Umm, cnbc, just the opposite happens. Inflation is a net loss for the consumer. Even if the middle class got a 10% raise, it will not put them in a better situation when there is rampant inflation. It would still be a loss.
Hey, cnbc, leave the maff and economics to the adults in the room.
And no just because there is inflation doesn't mean salaries are raised. Wow
Basically true, unless you’re a government worker.
On the flip, going through this all now in salary planning. I’ll probably give out 5.9% or so raises to even the worst employees. The good ones need to get more as I want them to stay long term. The bad/average ones will get the because I only want the to stay short term to keep the good employees from losing moral. Once the unemployment part picks up ( it’s going to), then you ca replace bad workers with good ones at reasonable rates. The cost to attract good talent to switch companies is really high right now.
And no just because there is inflation doesn't mean salaries are raised. Wow
Basically true, unless you’re a government worker.
On the flip, going through this all now in salary planning. I’ll probably give out 5.9% or so raises to even the worst employees. The good ones need to get more as I want them to stay long term. The bad/average ones will get the because I only want the to stay short term to keep the good employees from losing moral. Once the unemployment part picks up ( it’s going to), then you ca replace bad workers with good ones at reasonable rates. The cost to attract good talent to switch companies is really high right now.
Mrs. Throbber v2.0 scolded me for giving away my secret sauce.
Everybody gets a 20% bump on fees going forward. The Throbber would like to continue the tradition of sex with the wifeevery few days weeklymonthly annual blow job.
Could probably come up with more of these. CNBC doesn't realize they've become the Babylon Bee.
CNBC doesn't understand basic economics. The "raises" only keep pace with the status quo based on the cost of living increases. You need more money because the shit you buy went up in price. Most people will be sliding back the other way, falling further behind under a Democratic Administration. R's could sweep both houses and the Prez in '24 if they can only stop the cheating by Dems.
Could probably come up with more of these. CNBC doesn't realize they've become the Babylon Bee.
CNBC doesn't understand basic economics. The "raises" only keep pace with the status quo based on the cost of living increases. You need more money because the shit you buy went up in price. Most people will be sliding back the other way, falling further behind under a Democratic Administration. R's could sweep both houses and the Prez in '24 if they can only stop the cheating by Dems.
The wage growth will be temporary. Then followed by big long lasting cuts in jobs, shitty workers will be replaced with food workers at the shitty worker 2022 rates. But the price increases are permanent. We really had our chance in 2008-2009 to actually deflate the debt bubble and let the bonds go busy.
Hey, cnbc, leave the maff and economics to the adults in the room.
On the flip, going through this all now in salary planning. I’ll probably give out 5.9% or so raises to even the worst employees. The good ones need to get more as I want them to stay long term. The bad/average ones will get the
because I only want the to stay short term to keep the good employees from losing moral. Once the unemployment part picks up ( it’s going to), then you ca replace bad workers with good ones at reasonable rates. The cost to attract good talent to switch companies is really high right now.
Everybody gets a 20% bump on fees going forward. The Throbber would like to continue the tradition of
sex with the wifeevery few daysweeklymonthlyannual blow job.Inflation in Riverside County is 6.5%
Not anymore. Not with all those future Democratic voters streaming across the border.
Drought? What Drought?