I mean, at some poont in the not so distant, all the authority figures will be LGBTQIA2S+ so rebelling for the youths will go in a different direction.
I mean, at some poont in the not so distant, all the authority figures will be LGBTQIA2S+ so rebelling for the youths will go in a different direction.
One woman reported being targeted in an online group. "I was told that homosexuality doesn't exist and I owed it to my trans sisters to unlearn my 'genital confusion' so I can enjoy letting them penetrate me," she wrote.
These people are not only sick they're chincredibly manipulative.
One woman reported being targeted in an online group. "I was told that homosexuality doesn't exist and I owed it to my trans sisters to unlearn my 'genital confusion' so I can enjoy letting them penetrate me," she wrote.
These people are not only sick they're chincredibly manipulative.
Sociopaths. In a non HH kind of way.
I blame 81 million mindless sheep for swallowing and enabling this horse shit.
Eventually there'll be an article about trans people that don't want to date trans people, and they'll be labeled transphobic. The wheel of insanity continues to turn
Real science and all practical logic says chicks with dicks aren't chicks. It's not surprising that true lesbos know this and aren't attracted to chicks with dicks. True lesbos and those of us among the disparaged "cis gendered males", are attracted to REAL females, with real feminine features including real (or enhanced real) tits and real pussies, all the product of an XX chromosome pair. Shocking, I know.
Eventually there'll be an article about trans people that don't want to date trans people, and they'll be labeled transphobic. The wheel of insanity continues to turn
This does seem like the logical counter.
"How come you're not trying to sleep with trans people?"
Rousing endorsement of the HH Orgy / potluck.
Lesbians are now transphobic.... lollol
These people are not only sick they're chincredibly manipulative.
Sociopaths. In a non HH kind of way.
Let's Go Trandon.
Real science and all practical logic says chicks with dicks aren't chicks. It's not surprising that true lesbos know this and aren't attracted to chicks with dicks. True lesbos and those of us among the disparaged "cis gendered males", are attracted to REAL females, with real feminine features including real (or enhanced real) tits and real pussies, all the product of an XX chromosome pair. Shocking, I know.
"How come you're not trying to sleep with trans people?"
My son QB’d for the Homecoming game.
My Son was Homecoming Queen
Which one doesn’t want to drink bleach?
Actually Mrs. Throbber v2.0 would literally knock the living shit out of them. Not joking. She would fuck them up and then curb stomp them.