Like I said in another thread, politics are cyclical. I have faith that the progressives have worn out their welcome and things will come back around.
This article is short in length but full of proof of anti-progressive momentum if you care to read any of its links. we reached the high water mark of woke?
American progressives are provoking a furious backlash.
Over the past decade, the woke agenda has crested like a giant tsunami, covering virtually the entirety of academia, the media, the corporate world and even the military. The Gramscian concept of ‘the long march through the institutions’, embraced by 1960s radicals like Germany’s Rudi Dutschke, has achieved overwhelming success.
Have we reached the high water mark of woke?
Over the past decade, the woke agenda has crested like a giant tsunami, covering virtually the entirety of academia, the media, the corporate world and even the military. The Gramscian concept of ‘the long march through the institutions’, embraced by 1960s radicals like Germany’s Rudi Dutschke, has achieved overwhelming success.
Yet there are signs that the woke progressive model may be losing its appeal, even among some liberals. The bulk of public opinion is not in progressives’ favour. In the US, activist progressives, notes a recent study, represent eight per cent of the electorate – barely half the size of moderates and barely a third of the size of conservatives. What they lack in numbers, however, they make up for with single-minded determination; progressive whites, notes the Atlantic, are the most intolerant of all Americans, led by those in the Boston area, while people in smaller towns and cities seem far more open.
The scalps of those targeted by the woke are strewn across the landscape. There’s the cancellations of ideologically unacceptable speakers, the delisting of books and the increasingly selective media coverage, evident particularly in the 2020 election and its aftermath. Yet the very vehemence of progressives, their lack of humour or grace, may prove to be their undoing.
Rise up
If you livin' on your knees, you rise up
Tell your brother that he's gotta rise up
Tell your sister that she's gotta rise up
When are folks like me and you gonna rise up?
Every city, every hood, we need to rise up
All my soldiers, what's good? We need to rise up
We ain't got no other choice, we need to rise up
Rise up!
Woke kept fighting.
The GOP/ conservatives/ libertarians didn't want to fight back
Its over
They still don't want to fight
I was surprised to learn my precinct chair is vacant, per the process I should fill it next month. To me it’s the easiest ROI to influence the local politics that dictate my life.
GOP ground game is exploding right now, flush out all the old blood RINOs.
Dems will increase the Senate
GOP might get the house just to keep the ruse going
The left is SERIOUS about power. The opposition wants to lose the right way and keep getting paid
I have no faith. Trump is banned from all media and is still the loudest voice. That's pathetic
Its also why January 6 is so vital. The left knows who the last holdouts are and are prepping the airstrikes
You're not going to win this staying popular with your enemies.
We're fucked. The line in the sand was 2020
Heads are buried in that sand
That's why Trump won and why 17 intelligence agencies set out to destroy him and everyone around him
And the GOP held their cloaks
The democracy side of it is imploding, the corporate authoritarian side of it is being unveiled. We’ll see how society handles transitioning from naive to denial.
This is so teed up for a GOP lead backlash, the silence is deafening and a huge tell.
That's probably as utopian as the bullshit @TheKobeStopper spews but holy shit - seems pretty fucking easy to win:
1 - defend the border
2 - GTFO out of endless wars
3 - cut gubmint spending.
4 - live and let live.
5 - root out corruption
I mean, Donald fucking Trump won for christ sake. People are hungering for straight talk.
Mail in voting everywhere? Check.
Lawsuit to remove even the witness requirement on said mail in ballots? Check.
Ballot harvesting in all urban areas? Check.
Making it legal for felons to vote? Check. (not kidding on this one Blackface signed the law this year to "Restore Voting Rights")
So yeah, the Dems took power in 2018 for the first time at the State level in forever and this is what they have enacted since then to ensure they can never lose again. The GOP may capture the State house again at some future point, but never the Governors Mansion. So none of this bullshit will ever get rolled back. It's a farce. Game set match. If Texas ever goes blue at the State House level and has a Dem Governor at the same time this will happen there.
It's the new playbook. Mail in plus felons plus harvesting = perpetual power.
The 70's were malaise and America hating itself for Vietnam- the 80s brought in Reagan, US Pride (and UK for that matter), tearing down the wall and reunification of Germany.
The key is trends with the youth- I would love to see the Fuck Joe Biden chants happen at every game because it would tell me the college aged kids are getting tired of overreach and woke politics.
However as Race points out, I see a power grab take hold which will never be relenquished.