Government intervention leading to the breakdown of our healthcare apparatus is the Trojan horse that delivers MFA.
Federal employees have already been dispatched to hospitals in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene to 'assist'.
This will not end well.
The bureaucratic medical profession has been absent without leave on the chicom crud. They have ignored science and the basics of a virus infection. So, a year and half after they told us how to conquer the chicom crud, they still avoid telling us that the US government funded chicom gain of function research which led to this hot mess. They continue to lie about masks and the efficacy about the vaccines. They still lie about treatment and prophylactic prevention prior to hospitalization. Not only do they lie, but they suppress the truth. The Oregon band was in "Covid protocol" for Friday's game. What the phuck does that mean? They are all vaccinated and we have no idea if one person "tested" positive or is it half the band? Two years ago if two band members had the flu then no big deal. Today it is shock and awe and most important, fear.
Government intervention leading to the breakdown of our healthcare apparatus is the Trojan horse that delivers MFA.
Federal employees have already been dispatched to hospitals in Spokane and Coeur d'Alene to 'assist'.
This will not end well.
The bureaucratic medical profession has been absent without leave on the chicom crud. They have ignored science and the basics of a virus infection. So, a year and half after they told us how to conquer the chicom crud, they still avoid telling us that the US government funded chicom gain of function research which led to this hot mess. They continue to lie about masks and the efficacy about the vaccines. They still lie about treatment and prophylactic prevention prior to hospitalization. Not only do they lie, but they suppress the truth. The Oregon band was in "Covid protocol" for Friday's game. What the phuck does that mean? They are all vaccinated and we have no idea if one person "tested" positive or is it half the band? Two years ago if two band members had the flu then no big deal. Today it is shock and awe and most important, fear.
Private Healthcare has largely delivered.
Private medical technologies have delivered.
Government health officials have shit the bed. It’s really that simple.
Should be fun!
Government intervention leading to the breakdown of our healthcare apparatus is the Trojan horse that delivers MFA.
This will not end well.
Private medical technologies have delivered.
Government health officials have shit the bed. It’s really that simple.