Another small government proponent wondering why the government hasn’t fixed the supply chain.
It's the government's policies that have made it this way. So once again, are you lying or just a moron?
What do you think these actions by the state government in California have done to the trucking industry Dazzler?
Speaking in terms of California’s adversarial and tumultuous relationship with the trucking industry, consider the following: California promulgated a diesel engine rule that took out of service some $20 billion dollars of diesel equipment, including trucks, farm and construction equipment, by way of air quality rule that was steeped in academic and regulatory corruption. The rule required multiple replacements and modifications of engines that were too expensive for most owner operators, and mom and pop companies, to comply with. Most of this equipment has never been replaced.
Then, there is Assembly Bill 5 by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), currently tied up in the courts, as it affects the trucking industry. AB5 would serve to eliminate owner-operators and contract drivers from operating in the state of CA. On top of that, Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared no diesel trucks will be allowed to be sold or operated in this state within the next two decades. And, let us not forget, both Newsom and Biden are waging a war against the oil industry which is driving up fuel prices across the board.
Another small government proponent wondering why the government hasn’t fixed the supply chain.
Government broke it you fucking moron
This is a classic example of liberalism in action. Regulate the fuck out of an industry and make it more difficult for them to do business and then after you've either killed off or heavily detoured their business swoop in with more regulation and subsidies.
Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., told Newsmax that empty shelves across the country due to the supply chain shortage is making the U.S. look a lot like Russia.
''If you would watch the newsreels now, you would think that you were watching something out of Russia from about 20 or 30 years ago, with bare shelves and supply chains being shut down,'' Rosendale said Wednesday on ''The Chris Salcedo Show.''
''The administration is already warning people that if they want to have presents under the Christmas tree this year, they need to start ordering them now. The problem is, you can't get them, and if you can, they're probably about 30-50% more expensive than they were this exact time last year.''
As hundreds of cargo ships continue circling U.S. ports looking for a slip to dock and unload, an estimated $106,400,000,000 in freight remains in limbo, according to Forbes.
That's my favorite line when shopping with the wife
This sounds like something some bike lanes in South Bend could fix
On the other hand it looks like we almost have REAL socialism in America!
They are intentionally killing non-unionzed, independent trucking in California. Their coming bans on diesel engines have already forced a number of trucking companies to relocate out of the state but according to the Dazzler, this problem was created by the free market. Stick to Amorosa news Dazzler you fucking suck at everything else.
As the father of twins I can tell you the first 8 weeks is pretty rough, on the mother more so. Neither of us had the luxury of taking a couple of months off. We both had jobs where our attendance actually mattered. Pete's, apparently not so much. Which one had the C-section?
What do you think these actions by the state government in California have done to the trucking industry Dazzler?
Speaking in terms of California’s adversarial and tumultuous relationship with the trucking industry, consider the following: California promulgated a diesel engine rule that took out of service some $20 billion dollars of diesel equipment, including trucks, farm and construction equipment, by way of air quality rule that was steeped in academic and regulatory corruption. The rule required multiple replacements and modifications of engines that were too expensive for most owner operators, and mom and pop companies, to comply with. Most of this equipment has never been replaced.
Then, there is Assembly Bill 5 by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), currently tied up in the courts, as it affects the trucking industry. AB5 would serve to eliminate owner-operators and contract drivers from operating in the state of CA. On top of that, Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared no diesel trucks will be allowed to be sold or operated in this state within the next two decades. And, let us not forget, both Newsom and Biden are waging a war against the oil industry which is driving up fuel prices across the board.
''If you would watch the newsreels now, you would think that you were watching something out of Russia from about 20 or 30 years ago, with bare shelves and supply chains being shut down,'' Rosendale said Wednesday on ''The Chris Salcedo Show.''
''The administration is already warning people that if they want to have presents under the Christmas tree this year, they need to start ordering them now. The problem is, you can't get them, and if you can, they're probably about 30-50% more expensive than they were this exact time last year.''
As hundreds of cargo ships continue circling U.S. ports looking for a slip to dock and unload, an estimated $106,400,000,000 in freight remains in limbo, according to Forbes.
That's my favorite line when shopping with the wife
This sounds like something some bike lanes in South Bend could fix
That must be what hh is parroting.
Maternity leave