You'll notice there's no denial here. He never used the word "racist" while clearly claiming Republicans were trying make it harder for blacks to vote by pushing voter ID laws. Imagine being a 60 plus year old man who engages in these kind of pathetic word game defenses.
And for only the twentieth time, not because they are black. Because of how they vote.
And blacks are not exclusively the target of the GOP’s voter suppression campaign. Poor, very young and very old are also impacted.
You'll notice there's no denial here. He never used the word "racist" while clearly claiming Republicans were trying make it harder for blacks to vote by pushing voter ID laws. Imagine being a 60 plus year old man who engages in these kind of pathetic word game defenses.
But not because they are black. Because of how they vote.
And blacks are not exclusively the target of the GOP’s voter suppression campaign. Poor, very young and very old are also impacted.
Your party clearly pushes the narrative that be a real black person you have to vote for the Rats. The guy you voted for flat-out stated it. Why lie about calling the laws racist just because you didn't use the word "racist" Dazzler? You and your party call the laws Jim Crow 2.0. But hey, they never said they were racist!!!
.gif made me laugh. Only in the modern democratic party can a half black woman who comes from actual slavers correctly call another Democrat candidate for President a racist, then when the white elderly racist beats the black slaver she actually joins up with the one she just called a white racist. You cannot make this shit up. We are actually living this.
81 million Americans, some of whom were alive but apparently brain dead voted for this. Then the living people who voted for this, the brain dead ones, come here to tell all those people who didn't vote for a racist and a slaver how racist we are. We are living in crazy land.
Using Dazzler's Kunt logic Biden never called voter ID laws "racist" when he claimed they were Jim Crow 2.0 because he never said the word "racist."
I’m not Joe Biden.
What else are you going to lie and claim I said because of something Joe Biden said?
Funny how this strict literalism game of yours doesn't apply to you Dazzler. Best of my knowledge Joe Biden never "said" that voter ID laws are "racist." Just like you never "said" it. Just like when you posted the statements from eyewitnesses who you claimed were "credible" that had said Mike Brown was shot point blank in the head with his arms raised in the air while he was on he knees. You never "said" it. You just posted an article that you called "credible" that said it so you had nothing to retract.
Using Dazzler's Kunt logic Biden never called voter ID laws "racist" when he claimed they were Jim Crow 2.0 because he never said the word "racist."
I’m not Joe Biden.
What else are you going to lie and claim I said because of something Joe Biden said?
Funny how this strict literalism game of yours doesn't apply to you Dazzler. Best of my knowledge Joe Biden never "said" that voter ID laws are "racist." Just like you never "said" it. Just like when you posted the statements from eyewitnesses who you claimed were "credible" that had said Mike Brown was shot point blank in the head with his arms raised in the air while he was on he knees. You never "said" it. You just posted an article that you called "credible" that said it so you had nothing to retract.
Biden thinks your support for voter suppression is motivated by your racism. I know better. You would definitely be willing to support any measure that disenfranchised only Democratic voting blacks. It’s not your racism that motivates your support for voter suppression.
And blacks are not exclusively the target of the GOP’s voter suppression campaign. Poor, very young and very old are also impacted.
On brand
That’s why I don’t waste precious keystrokes in a back and forth debating his dishonest nonsense.
What else are you going to lie and claim I said because of something Joe Biden said?
Are you a retard or something?
81 million Americans, some of whom were alive but apparently brain dead voted for this. Then the living people who voted for this, the brain dead ones, come here to tell all those people who didn't vote for a racist and a slaver how racist we are. We are living in crazy land.
Surprisingly well spoken
Of course when we inevitably fall to communism they'll be first against the wall so at least that thought comforts me.