The tell was how pissed off the left was that Garland didn't get on the court. And that he was picked by Obama. But the left never forgets so Biden gives the guy AG and away we go
The one thing that will always be in the good column for Cocaine Mitch. Maybe the only thing
Just another blatant example of the Rats using the power of the Federal Government to go after their political opponents. This shit was normalized under Obama. Used to be that using the FBI and the DOJ and the IRS to harass and intimidate your political opposition were big no, no's and impeachable offenses. They're now standard procedures for Rat party Administrations.
Identifying yourself as either a liar, an already established fact, or a fucking moron. Ditto.
Mask mandates aren't the only thing these parents are objecting to but you're a dishonest Kunt and this is how dishonest Kunt's "win" arguments.
Stimulating discourse from a leftard consists of one or all of the following:
Play the race/bigot card Make a weak lame ass moral equivalency argument Use an ad hominem attack Phuck some strawman ass Completely avoid the topic (ask a leftard to define black for AA purposes or explain how a cloth mask filters out a virus particle - crickets) Lie
The tell was how pissed off the left was that Garland didn't get on the court. And that he was picked by Obama. But the left never forgets so Biden gives the guy AG and away we go
The one thing that will always be in the good column for Cocaine Mitch. Maybe the only thing
Obama picked him for AG. Joe Isn't capable of picking his nose.
The one thing that will always be in the good column for Cocaine Mitch. Maybe the only thing
Mask mandates aren't the only thing these parents are objecting to but you're a dishonest Kunt and this is how dishonest Kunt's "win" arguments.
Play the race/bigot card
Make a weak lame ass moral equivalency argument
Use an ad hominem attack
Phuck some strawman ass
Completely avoid the topic (ask a leftard to define black for AA purposes or explain how a cloth mask filters out a virus particle - crickets)
There, I am a uniter now