Yes, very well written. I think the question posed by the article, “why do we even bother?” is a powerful one.
College athletics is fueled by pageantry, tradition, and nostalgia.
The first two things I see in very short supply at UW right now, and as soon as all the fans that remember the Don James years fade away that final piece propping it up will be gone too.
the main problem with FBS is the games are simply too fuckin' long.
We are talking Husky Football here. The main problem is the Board of Regents, the President, the AD, the Athletic Depsrtment, the fans, the coaches, the players, the region, the conference, the Pac 12 commissioner, the Pac 12 network, ESPN, Barbara Hedges, Todd Turner, and the losses.
Thanks Taft!
College athletics is fueled by pageantry, tradition, and nostalgia.
The first two things I see in very short supply at UW right now, and as soon as all the fans that remember the Don James years fade away that final piece propping it up will be gone too.
Maybe read a room sometim.