You can be taught in about 15 minutes to aspirate before giving a shot. I was. Just crazy the CDC said not to.
Particularly given the mechanisms at work with these vaccines. IV administration could lead to vital organs being used to produce spike proteins, inflammation of involved organs, and potential organ damage (or worse). Seems pretty fucking obvious. It has also become obvious that for the young and healthy, these vaccines are unnecessary as SARS-COV-2 does not generally have a great affect on them. COVID is a disease that is much more dangerous to the elderly and infirm.
It is unfortunate that the CDC is in such a hurry to jab the world, for political, and most likely economic purposes. They’ve blown the general trust when what is needed is truth and prudence. Everyone should have the most accurate information available to them in order to make the most informed personal choice, and no one should be forced into vaccination. Therapeutics of all forms should also be given their due in an open and honest way. This virus is not going away, nor will it cease to mutate. Perpetual vaccines that rapidly lose their efficacy is not the answer. HIV, a much more serious and highly mutable virus is managed with therapeutics. There's a lesson to be learned there. Unfortunately in Joe Biden's America, there is no room for personal choice or honest discourse, only submission and compliance. #FJB .. with a rusty cheese grater, sideways.
As an aside, this can't go unsaid. Who do you think Jimmy Dore voted for? The bad orange man? Or the democrat? Any buyer's remorse there? Or would he pull the blue lever again? That is the bigger problem. The cult of personality, politics as a sport, and a large segment of our population voting for "free shit" have overtaken rational decision making. That and unsecured elections.
Jimmy Dore was and is a huge Bernie supporter. I don't know who he voted for in 2020, but he's been shouting from the rooftops for years about DC corruption, Julian Assange, the corruption of the Democratic Party and in general, illegal wars & war crimes, the rot of the U.S. elites and the Establishment. He used to be on The Young Turks a lot, but walked away when they took 18 million from Disney or whomever it was, to become whores for the Establishment.
Like Joe Rogan, Jimmy is a Godsend, and a very needed sharp stick in the eye of the U.S. media lapdogs.
I find myself watching more and more of his videos lately, as he becomes more and more relevant.
Like Joe Rogan, Jimmy is a Godsend, and a very needed sharp stick in the eye of the U.S. media lapdogs.
I find myself watching more and more of his videos lately, as he becomes more and more relevant.
WAS a Bernie guy. Totally turned on him after Bernie endorsed Biden and didn't go for the jugular in the primary.
He is certainly a member of the progressive left.
The way I view him is, we may not agree on solutions, but he sees the problem with precision.
JD is a treasure.
It's a matter of time before he gets banned off YouTube. Tick tick tick....
Supporting socialism/marxism is a sign of a weak mind if you believe in any sort of individualism. Trump was opposed to the DC hive mind. Like Snow, Dore would vote for a dementia patient that is bought and paid for by the chicoms and then claim some sort of high character decision.
Like Joe Rogan, Jimmy is a Godsend, and a very needed sharp stick in the eye of the U.S. media lapdogs.
I find myself watching more and more of his videos lately, as he becomes more and more relevant.
WAS a Bernie guy. Totally turned on him after Bernie endorsed Biden and didn't go for the jugular in the primary.
He is certainly a member of the progressive left.
The way I view him is, we may not agree on solutions, but he sees the problem with precision.
JD is a treasure.
It's a matter of time before he gets banned off YouTube. Tick tick tick....
For certain. Hopefully Rumble or Odysee or one of the other budding platforms will get traction soon.
Rumble seems to be the early leader.
BTW, I turned on Bernie when he surrendered his nuts to those two loudmouth black bitches at the Westlake Park Podium and never spoke to the crowd that came from far away places to hear him speak.
Love him or hate him, Bernie has proven himself to be One Big Hairy Pussy.
Like Joe Rogan, Jimmy is a Godsend, and a very needed sharp stick in the eye of the U.S. media lapdogs.
I find myself watching more and more of his videos lately, as he becomes more and more relevant.
WAS a Bernie guy. Totally turned on him after Bernie endorsed Biden and didn't go for the jugular in the primary.
He is certainly a member of the progressive left.
The way I view him is, we may not agree on solutions, but he sees the problem with precision.
JD is a treasure.
It's a matter of time before he gets banned off YouTube. Tick tick tick....
For certain. Hopefully Rumble or Odysee or one of the other budding platforms will get traction soon.
Rumble seems to be the early leader.
BTW, I turned on Bernie when he surrendered his nuts to those two loudmouth black bitches at the Westlake Park Podium and never spoke to the crowd that came from far away places to hear him speak.
Love him or hate him, Bernie has proven himself to be One Big Hairy Pussy.
This is the exact moment Bernie lost #metoo.
You're the one fucking guy that it's indisputable you're on the left. Like no fucking question about it. And you didn't have the stone to tell those two twats to FO.
And to those two twats, way to read a room. The one fucking guy on your side was Bernie. And you went after him. Hard.
Just saved everyone 18 minutes 50 seconds.
But listen irregardless.
Fuck the incompetent Democrat establishment and their celebration of incompetence. It's only sickening and killing people. That's all.
It is unfortunate that the CDC is in such a hurry to jab the world, for political, and most likely economic purposes. They’ve blown the general trust when what is needed is truth and prudence. Everyone should have the most accurate information available to them in order to make the most informed personal choice, and no one should be forced into vaccination. Therapeutics of all forms should also be given their due in an open and honest way. This virus is not going away, nor will it cease to mutate. Perpetual vaccines that rapidly lose their efficacy is not the answer. HIV, a much more serious and highly mutable virus is managed with therapeutics. There's a lesson to be learned there. Unfortunately in Joe Biden's America, there is no room for personal choice or honest discourse, only submission and compliance. #FJB .. with a rusty cheese grater, sideways.
As an aside, this can't go unsaid. Who do you think Jimmy Dore voted for? The bad orange man? Or the democrat? Any buyer's remorse there? Or would he pull the blue lever again? That is the bigger problem. The cult of personality, politics as a sport, and a large segment of our population voting for "free shit" have overtaken rational decision making. That and unsecured elections.
Like Joe Rogan, Jimmy is a Godsend, and a very needed sharp stick in the eye of the U.S. media lapdogs.
I find myself watching more and more of his videos lately, as he becomes more and more relevant.
He is certainly a member of the progressive left.
The way I view him is, we may not agree on solutions, but he sees the problem with precision.
JD is a treasure.
It's a matter of time before he gets banned off YouTube. Tick tick tick....
Rumble seems to be the early leader.
BTW, I turned on Bernie when he surrendered his nuts to those two loudmouth black bitches at the Westlake Park Podium and never spoke to the crowd that came from far away places to hear him speak.
Love him or hate him, Bernie has proven himself to be One Big Hairy Pussy.
This is the exact moment Bernie lost #metoo.
You're the one fucking guy that it's indisputable you're on the left. Like no fucking question about it. And you didn't have the stone to tell those two twats to FO.
And to those two twats, way to read a room. The one fucking guy on your side was Bernie. And you went after him. Hard.