Do you know who Leo Terrell is? 5 years ago he was the most outspoken, conservative hating liberal on the radio or TV anywhere. Trump converted him soley because how the black community thrived under the Trump administration as opposed to his previous hero Obama. He "woke" up and got off the plantation. His conversion has been interesting to watch.
Leo was a very angry man when he was a Lib. Just miserable. Seeing his transformation from that to where he is today is proof positive how being a liberal is absolutely miserable. I've only been personally attacked in a social settings by a liberal. One actually told my wife, because she just has to be a liberal (insert stereotype) that she needed to get me "straight". When she answered the miserable loser couldn't believe his ears and stormed off.
That Leo dude was hard to listen to.
"This country is a country that oppress others"
Not well spoken.