President Kamala Harris has seen her approval rating rise in recent polling, leaving her above President Joe Biden, whose own approval rating has fallen over the last few weeks, The Hill reports.
Gallup found in a poll last week that 49% approve of Harris’ performance as vice president, compared to 43% approval for Biden, which was a 6-point decrease from the month before, and a 13-point fall since June for the president. The survey also showed that Harris holds a higher approval rating among independents than Biden, and that her current approval rating matches Biden’s in 2009, when he was serving as vice president to President Barack Obama.
One Harris ally told the Hill that she’s "found her place" in the administration.
"I think there’s definitely a feeling that things have been smoother," an ally noted. "It seems like they have ironed out some of the initial wrinkles."
The only thing that has changed with Harris is that they ironed her out into the basement where they hid Joe
She hasn't done a thing to raise her standing
But it appears Joe has to go and there she is
Fun with poles.
Short bus rider
Another poll
Trump who is less popular than DeSantis now is still more popular than Joe
You really got us this time
She will be lucky to survive Wyoming
It appears the more people hear from her the less they like her.
Trump is the head of a massive cult that has taken over the GOP and no one but Trump can run in 2024. As a leading Trumptard here I can tell you that's not the case. DeSantis also gets my vote rather easily. Not a problem with me if he wins the nomination. That's how the GOP rolls - elect not select
The GOP elects some moron like Romney then we have a problem.
That's not to say that the destruction of DeSantis hasn't even begun in earnest yet and the housewives are going to have to stay strong but DeSantis being less toxic than Trump to the muddling middle is a fact
But it still won't sway the brainwashed like mello who will vote for a ham sandwich again if they are told to
DeSantis pulling ahead of Trump who is ahead of Biden would seem to illustrate a problem for the dems
Better print more ballots
Big belly laughs in the media room over this ad
The moldy play book tells us neither Covid or Trump as the boogeyman is going anywhere soon
Helps DeSantis IMO
The democrats spent a year blaming the president for covid. The switch to blaming a couple of red state governors was pretty fucking clumsy IMO
But will the housewives fall for it again?
The power of social media, you know. Like @TheKobeStopper says.
Now, about that link, TKS.....
The problem is America is a lot softer these days.