Well they're still hero's some. Just not to the Vaccine Nazis. And what about those that contracted Covid at work and are still being required to take the jab. The party of science!
Love Jesse Kelly because he just doesn’t tolerate any PC BS. His radio show is a good listen. Guy has a huge ego and admits it. Funny as hell too but not in a HA, HA way.
That is a scary lady right there. So far crickets from the BidenBros. Imagine if that were my Noem.
As was predicted, there was no way the Rats would have gone along with getting rid of Cuomo unless they knew for certain that whoever would replace him would be even harder left.
I need you to be my Apostles?
Way to smash the 10 Commandments, Cunt.
Go Fuck Yourself.
That church should have booed her off the stage right that moment.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not take the Lord thy God's name in vain.
Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Just to name a few...