White leftists think nothing of calling black conservatives pretty much every vile racist slur you can think of. The very humanity of a conservative who happens to be black is denied by the left. They aren't "real" black people.
Guy who called the 44th POTUS "O'Chimpy" for years has something to say about vile racism.
You just can't make this shit up.
So when you guys were calling Bush "Chimpy" you were really using a racial slur?
This is blob's way of saying he did call Obama "O'Chimpy"--literally dozens of times per week for 8 to 10 years--but he had a really good reason.
People were mean to W!
This is dazzler's way for dodging the question he was asked like the fucking Kunt he is.
Your team established that it was perfectly acceptable and the height of humor to call the sitting President a Chimp. I just continued the "joke" your team started and then picked right back up when Trump was in office.
So answer the question Kunt, were you trying to insult W by calling him a racial slur?
White leftists think nothing of calling black conservatives pretty much every vile racist slur you can think of. The very humanity of a conservative who happens to be black is denied by the left. They aren't "real" black people.
Guy who called the 44th POTUS "O'Chimpy" for years has something to say about vile racism.
You just can't make this shit up.
So when you guys were calling Bush "Chimpy" you were really using a racial slur?
This is blob's way of saying he did call Obama "O'Chimpy"--literally dozens of times per week for 8 to 10 years--but he had a really good reason.
People were mean to W!
This is dazzler's way for dodging the question he was asked like the fucking Kunt he is.
Your team established that it was perfectly acceptable and the height of humor to call the sitting President a Chimp. I just continued the "joke" your team started and then picked right back up when Trump was in office.
So answer the question Kunt, were you trying to insult W by calling him a racial slur?
I never called him that, madam.
I do remember you telling us that your use of "O'Chimpy", or sometimes "O'Chimp", was just fine with your wife. Which we're sure you're totally not lying about, at all.
White leftists think nothing of calling black conservatives pretty much every vile racist slur you can think of. The very humanity of a conservative who happens to be black is denied by the left. They aren't "real" black people.
Guy who called the 44th POTUS "O'Chimpy" for years has something to say about vile racism.
You just can't make this shit up.
So when you guys were calling Bush "Chimpy" you were really using a racial slur?
This is blob's way of saying he did call Obama "O'Chimpy"--literally dozens of times per week for 8 to 10 years--but he had a really good reason.
People were mean to W!
This is dazzler's way for dodging the question he was asked like the fucking Kunt he is.
Your team established that it was perfectly acceptable and the height of humor to call the sitting President a Chimp. I just continued the "joke" your team started and then picked right back up when Trump was in office.
So answer the question Kunt, were you trying to insult W by calling him a racial slur?
I never called him that, madam.
I do remember you telling us that your use of "O'Chimpy", or sometimes "O'Chimp", was just fine with your wife. Which we're sure you're totally not lying about, at all.
Who cares Dazzler, you never once called out the people on your team who did. If calling the President a chimp is a racial slur why fuck didn't you say something when your team was doing so Dazzler? Fuck off. My wife, not being a dumbfuck, got the joke. You on the other hand...
White leftists think nothing of calling black conservatives pretty much every vile racist slur you can think of. The very humanity of a conservative who happens to be black is denied by the left. They aren't "real" black people.
Guy who called the 44th POTUS "O'Chimpy" for years has something to say about vile racism.
You just can't make this shit up.
So when you guys were calling Bush "Chimpy" you were really using a racial slur?
This is blob's way of saying he did call Obama "O'Chimpy"--literally dozens of times per week for 8 to 10 years--but he had a really good reason.
People were mean to W!
This is dazzler's way for dodging the question he was asked like the fucking Kunt he is.
Your team established that it was perfectly acceptable and the height of humor to call the sitting President a Chimp. I just continued the "joke" your team started and then picked right back up when Trump was in office.
So answer the question Kunt, were you trying to insult W by calling him a racial slur?
I never called him that, madam.
I do remember you telling us that your use of "O'Chimpy", or sometimes "O'Chimp", was just fine with your wife. Which we're sure you're totally not lying about, at all.
My wife, not being a dumbfuck, got the joke.
I'm sure she didn't see anything race baiting in the thousands of times you made the exact same joke for about a decade.
Sure. We all believe you told her all about it. I mean, why wouldn't you?
Your team established that it was perfectly acceptable and the height of humor to call the sitting President a Chimp. I just continued the "joke" your team started and then picked right back up when Trump was in office.
So answer the question Kunt, were you trying to insult W by calling him a racial slur?
I do remember you telling us that your use of "O'Chimpy", or sometimes "O'Chimp", was just fine with your wife. Which we're sure you're totally not lying about, at all.
Sure. We all believe you told her all about it. I mean, why wouldn't you?
You thought Trump had it bad with all those bureaucratic saboteurs running around.