If Gen. Milley Were A Traitor, What Would He Have Done Differently? —Buck Throckmorton General Mark Milley is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest ranking military officer in the United States. As the debacle of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan now morphs into a hostage crisis for the Americans left behind, it’s fair for those of us who love our country and support our troops to ask this question: If General Mark Milley were a traitor to our country, what – if anything – would he have done differently?
The most famous traitor in American history was Benedict Arnold. His treasonous act during the Revolutionary War was his attempted surrender of the military fort at West Point to the British. Fortunately, his efforts were not successful. By contrast, General Milley ensured that Bagram Air Force Base fell into enemy hands by simply abandoning it in the middle of the night, without even handing it over to our putative Afghan allies, and while thousands of Americans were still in Kabul.
He then moved evacuation efforts to a poorly secured commercial airport not designed for military use. Milley was passionate about Bagram’s closing although he could never articulate why it must be closed.
While testifying to Congress in June he stated, “So, a couple of quick comments here. On Bagram, it’s not necessary tactically, operationally, for what we’re gonna try to do here with Afghanistan. Consolidate on Kabul, with, in support of their government.” That was simply not true. Bagram was critically needed both tactically and operationally, even more so because everyone knew the Afghan government would fall sooner or later - most likely sooner. Yet General Milley desperately wanted us not to have Bagram when we needed it most.
You know what Benedict Arnold didn’t do? He didn’t give billions of dollars of military equipment to the British. But that is exactly what Gen. Milley gave to the Taliban. He handed the Taliban over 64[22],000 Humvees and other vehicles, plus almost 500,000 guns! If an enlisted man loses his gun while on patrol, the men in his platoon might have to risk their lives to go find that one gun so it doesn’t end up in enemy hands. Yet the arsenal below is what General Milley chose not to remove from theater, allowing it instead to become property of the Taliban.
If Gen. Milley Were A Traitor, What Would He Have Done Differently?
—Buck Throckmorton
General Mark Milley is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest ranking military officer in the United States. As the debacle of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan now morphs into a hostage crisis for the Americans left behind, it’s fair for those of us who love our country and support our troops to ask this question: If General Mark Milley were a traitor to our country, what – if anything – would he have done differently?
The most famous traitor in American history was Benedict Arnold. His treasonous act during the Revolutionary War was his attempted surrender of the military fort at West Point to the British. Fortunately, his efforts were not successful. By contrast, General Milley ensured that Bagram Air Force Base fell into enemy hands by simply abandoning it in the middle of the night, without even handing it over to our putative Afghan allies, and while thousands of Americans were still in Kabul.
He then moved evacuation efforts to a poorly secured commercial airport not designed for military use. Milley was passionate about Bagram’s closing although he could never articulate why it must be closed.
While testifying to Congress in June he stated, “So, a couple of quick comments here. On Bagram, it’s not necessary tactically, operationally, for what we’re gonna try to do here with Afghanistan. Consolidate on Kabul, with, in support of their government.” That was simply not true. Bagram was critically needed both tactically and operationally, even more so because everyone knew the Afghan government would fall sooner or later - most likely sooner. Yet General Milley desperately wanted us not to have Bagram when we needed it most.
You know what Benedict Arnold didn’t do? He didn’t give billions of dollars of military equipment to the British. But that is exactly what Gen. Milley gave to the Taliban. He handed the Taliban over
64[22],000 Humvees and other vehicles, plus almost 500,000 guns! If an enlisted man loses his gun while on patrol, the men in his platoon might have to risk their lives to go find that one gun so it doesn’t end up in enemy hands. Yet the arsenal below is what General Milley chose not to remove from theater, allowing it instead to become property of the Taliban.Lumbar decompression therapy for that fucking traitor.