America throwing around their morality and forcing their culture on other people. Sad. I’m hearing Afghan girls are ok with this. Who are we to judge. Put another stripe on the pride flag I say!
Jack built his following by pushing the Pizzagate nonsense. You see the Right in our country is obsessed with conspiracy theories and Jack understood this and took advantage of it and built a career off of it. He doesn’t acknowledge it now but he got to where he is because of it.
Jack built his following by pushing the Pizzagate nonsense. You see the Right in our country is obsessed with conspiracy theories and Jack understood this and took advantage of it and built a career off of it. He doesn’t acknowledge it now but he got to where he is because of it.
67% of the people on the right didn't buy into Pizzagate. But you know who did buy into the claim that Russia changed the vote totals in 2016 Kunt? Your team Fister, in fact you probably believe this shit. Heal yourself first Kunt.
Hey Fister, how many Rats think that Trump really did call neo-Nazis fine people? What percentage of the Rat party bought into the Russian collusion fraud? I'll give you a little clue Kunt, far more than the percentage of conservatives that bought into Pizzagate and Qanon.
Jack built his following by pushing the Pizzagate nonsense. You see the Right in our country is obsessed with conspiracy theories and Jack understood this and took advantage of it and built a career off of it. He doesn’t acknowledge it now but he got to where he is because of it.
67% of the people on the right didn't buy into Pizzagate. But you know who did buy into the claim that Russia changed the vote totals in 2016 Kunt? Your team Fister, in fact you probably believe this shit. Heal yourself first Kunt.
A higher % of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen. Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? There is zero proof of it. Your cult leader build his campaign on Obama’s birth certificate. Was Obama born in the US? I understand that you want to pretend that both parties are the same in their wacky conspiracy theories but that’s just not the case. Russia absolutely tried to play a part in swinging the 2016 election but it’s debatable how big a roll they played.
Jack built his following by pushing the Pizzagate nonsense. You see the Right in our country is obsessed with conspiracy theories and Jack understood this and took advantage of it and built a career off of it. He doesn’t acknowledge it now but he got to where he is because of it.
67% of the people on the right didn't buy into Pizzagate. But you know who did buy into the claim that Russia changed the vote totals in 2016 Kunt? Your team Fister, in fact you probably believe this shit. Heal yourself first Kunt.
A higher % of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen. Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? There is zero proof of it. Your cult leader build his campaign on Obama’s birth certificate. Was Obama born in the US? I understand that you want to pretend that both parties are the same in their wacky conspiracy theories but that’s just not the case. Russia absolutely tried to play a part in swinging the 2016 election but it’s debatable how big a roll they played.
Russian didn't change a single vote in 2016. 67% of your team think they did. Fuck off. What percentage of your team thinks that Trump called all Mexican rapists Rubber? Your team has just as many if not more dipshits than the GOP. Whether Russia tried to "play a part" in the 2016 election wasn't the question that was asked Kunt but you keep fucking that strawman ass because the facts are that 67% of your party thinks that Russian actually changed the vote totals making Trump the winner.
Jack built his following by pushing the Pizzagate nonsense. You see the Right in our country is obsessed with conspiracy theories and Jack understood this and took advantage of it and built a career off of it. He doesn’t acknowledge it now but he got to where he is because of it.
67% of the people on the right didn't buy into Pizzagate. But you know who did buy into the claim that Russia changed the vote totals in 2016 Kunt? Your team Fister, in fact you probably believe this shit. Heal yourself first Kunt.
A higher % of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen. Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? There is zero proof of it. Your cult leader build his campaign on Obama’s birth certificate. Was Obama born in the US? I understand that you want to pretend that both parties are the same in their wacky conspiracy theories but that’s just not the case. Russia absolutely tried to play a part in swinging the 2016 election but it’s debatable how big a roll they played.
Russian didn't change a single vote in 2016. 67% of your team think they did. Fuck off. What percentage of your team thinks that Trump called all Mexican rapists Rubber? Your team has just as many if not more dipshits than the GOP. Whether Russia tried to "play a part" in the 2016 election wasn't the question that was asked Kunt but you keep fucking that strawman ass because the facts are that 67% of your party thinks that Russian actually changed the vote totals making Trump the winner.
Was the 2020 election stolen from Trump? He says yes.
Jack built his following by pushing the Pizzagate nonsense. You see the Right in our country is obsessed with conspiracy theories and Jack understood this and took advantage of it and built a career off of it. He doesn’t acknowledge it now but he got to where he is because of it.
67% of the people on the right didn't buy into Pizzagate. But you know who did buy into the claim that Russia changed the vote totals in 2016 Kunt? Your team Fister, in fact you probably believe this shit. Heal yourself first Kunt.
A higher % of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen. Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen? There is zero proof of it. Your cult leader build his campaign on Obama’s birth certificate. Was Obama born in the US? I understand that you want to pretend that both parties are the same in their wacky conspiracy theories but that’s just not the case. Russia absolutely tried to play a part in swinging the 2016 election but it’s debatable how big a roll they played.
Russian didn't change a single vote in 2016. 67% of your team think they did. Fuck off. What percentage of your team thinks that Trump called all Mexican rapists Rubber? Your team has just as many if not more dipshits than the GOP. Whether Russia tried to "play a part" in the 2016 election wasn't the question that was asked Kunt but you keep fucking that strawman ass because the facts are that 67% of your party thinks that Russian actually changed the vote totals making Trump the winner.
Was the 2020 election stolen from Trump? He says yes.
It was "stolen" as soon as they sent out mail in ballots to ever registered voter in certain swing states. That's been my position since day one. Instead of trying to put words in my mouth why don't you deal with what I actually say? Did Trump call neo-Nazis "fine people?" Did Trump collude with the Russians to win the 2016 election?
Also, who is pizzagate jack?