We have all seen and heard snippets from talking heads where they are testing the waters by attempting to blame Trump for this biden mess. They kept throwing rocks at the Trump dam looking for a weak spot, anything they could find to take the blame off of that fucking idiot biden and his giant mess. That fucking idiot biden lied and the left ignored it. The fix was in, they just didn't know how to shift it all onto Trump.
This article is a classic example of that attempt to shift blame. To bolster their claim that the fucking idiot biden did nothing wrong and everything right, they try the old "this is about ending a war, not about how biden did it". You have all heard the bullshit "everyone agrees that this war had to end" in their attempts to deflect.
What kind of a man takes no credit for his fuck ups? Our president biden. The corrupt pussy we all knew he was. A world wide confirmed embarrassment. According to this left wing msm nut job, nothing was biden's fault. Nothing that went wrong had anything to do with biden. What this is telling you is that rats will defend the indefensible. The power over people due to politics is more important that humanity itself.
https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/08/29/afghanistan-war-exit-joe-biden-critics-wrong/5639051001/There's chaos and risk in Afghanistan exit, but Biden critics are getting it mostly wrong
We have no ongoing security interest in Afghanistan, and we don't send troops everywhere to protect women and human rights. We do that in other ways.
But some of the arguments we are hearing are indefensible. Among the worst:
1. Biden owns this.
No. The authors of 20 years of war own this. The corrupt Afghan government and the Afghan military who stood down own this. The Trump administration that set the deadlines, drew down the troops, left behind the materiel and released up to 5,000 Taliban prisoners owns this.
2. Well, at least he owns the chaos surrounding our exit.
No. There's no way that the Taliban regaining control would not have led to chaos with many thousands of Afghans seeking to escape the rule of a thug regime. Whenever we began to airlift folks out, it would have started.
Leaving behind $385 BILLION of arms, thousands of Americans (bullshit on less than 100) and allies is on one and one only POTUS.
And his name is Cho Bai Den.
Janet Reno.
You don't even have to make shit up about Biden. He always provides a video
The Taliban is tanned rested and well armed. They don't give a shit about geopolitical realities. They want pure Islam not pure communism.
Ahmed don't need no smart phone or the minerals to build it
Everyone goes in to the Afghanistan game expecting a nice scrimmage to get ready for the season.
Thanks to Joe they need a lot less support from Pakistan
Afghanistan doesn't really do central government
We'll see
Tuff communists who would blow your kids up