Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a mask into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking mask on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The test is no big thing if that's required - stuff a q-tip up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The mask thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a mask into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking mask on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The test is no big thing if that's required - stuff a q-tip up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The mask thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
Your friend, flea.
Fucking dialed in dflea. Derek needs to talk a walk and get some perspective.
Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a mask into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking mask on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The test is no big thing if that's required - stuff a q-tip up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The mask thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
Your friend, flea.
I had no problem with what Derek posted earlier, but you did offer a new perspective and I agree with you.
Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a mask into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking mask on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The test is no big thing if that's required - stuff a q-tip up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The mask thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a mask into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking mask on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The test is no big thing if that's required - stuff a q-tip up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The mask thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
I remember the UCLA game from 2021. It was one of the final times that my dad and I attended a game together. That was back when the Covid virus was a politicalized thing. The high-flying Bruins came to town led by the possibly gay Chip Kelly, with a 5-1 record and looking to knock off the defending Pac-12 North Champs*. 32,000 masked fans had barely settled into their seats before the Bruins jumped out to an early 14-0 lead. Technically speaking, I was wearing a mask, but I had it down under my nose so I could breathe easier. A twat fan turned around and told me to to put my mask on properly. I told him we were outside and to mind his own business. So then a fan behind me tore the MAGA hat off my head and poured beer on me and dad. I whirled around and grabbed the fan by his purple Starter jacket, before pulling him forward and pummeling him.
As security guards dragged me from Husky Stadium, I glanced at the scoreboard to see that the Bruins had now gone up 21-0. It wouldn't be until hours later that I heard Sam Huard had come off the bench to lead the Huskies to a thrilling 35-31 win. It's a day Husky fans will never forget.
Biden is dead. Also, fuck Trump, the Luciferian from 666 Trump Tower. It's the same regime, no matter who in 'in charge' on the surface. If you remain a Trump supporter after how he absolutely trashed your freedoms in 2020 with his Covid Emergency Declaration and empowerment of the 50 NWO minion governors to destroy businesses and install medical fascism as the new normal, you are a dumb bitch. Trump and Biden are both traitors and serve the New World Order.
I enjoy your conspiracy stuff as much as anyone, but shut the fuck up bitch.
I'm in a quandry. I want to attend at least one more game with my 82-year old dad. We haven't attended a bona fide UW game together since 2016. But I don't want to sit in Husky Stadium with 45,000 other masked individuals. The whole thing would feel ridiculous.
Go to the Montana game … there won’t be 45k people there
I'm in a quandry. I want to attend at least one more game with my 82-year old dad. We haven't attended a bona fide UW game together since 2016. But I don't want to sit in Husky Stadium with 45,000 other masked individuals. The whole thing would feel ridiculous.
Sunday is a get together with close family I haven’t seen since the pandemic started and we are really close. I’m the only one not vaccinated (I was also the only one to get Covid before the vaccines came out) and one of the family members asked if I would be comfortable wearing a mask inside or I could jus stay outside the entire time. This whole thing is so fucked.
This is what I don’t get … people have completely lost any ability to critically think
The vaccine has never been about you being more or less likely to get COVID as far as I can tell … it’s all about the impact to the symptoms once getting COVID
So why are vaccinated people so concerned about what an unvaccinated person does … only rational idea I can come up with is the idea that an unvaccinated person is less “careful” than a vaccinated person
I'm in a quandry. I want to attend at least one more game with my 82-year old dad. We haven't attended a bona fide UW game together since 2016. But I don't want to sit in Husky Stadium with 45,000 other masked individuals. The whole thing would feel ridiculous.
Sunday is a get together with close family I haven’t seen since the pandemic started and we are really close. I’m the only one not vaccinated (I was also the only one to get Covid before the vaccines came out) and one of the family members asked if I would be comfortable wearing a mask inside or I could jus stay outside the entire time. This whole thing is so fucked.
I am not allowed to be in the same house as my nieces because I haven't been vaccinated. Because I said I might get it when it's FDA approved, now friends and family are getting on my case since Fister rammed theirs through, without a lot of long term tests that are usually standard.
Number one: this isn't any more lethal to minors than a normal flu
Number two: they can't get vaccinated, and I can still spread it even if I were
Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a Covid Contract Tracing Wrist/Ankle Bracelet into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking Yellow Star on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The cattle car is no big thing if that's required - stuff the Zykon B up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The cattle car thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
I get the same stuff from my kids. Have to wear a mask, please get the jab, let's get together but stay outside and 6 feet apart.
They think I am stubborn. I think they are over reacting.
So have not seen much family in the last 17 months of lock downs, mask ups, and all the other crap that has been dictated to the sheep.
So a question that really does need an answer, Does anyone thing the process of getting back to normal will happen? Covid will return every year or 9 months, flu will return, some bad some not so bad, and this lock down and mask up shit will be implemented over and over again.
As we sterilize our kids and buildings maybe we can get a return of the real shitty diseases that really do kill mass quantities of folks all at once rather than nickel and dime colds, flus, and covids. Not calling for genocide
It won't get back to normal unless Nuremberg 2 happens.
The blueprint for American freedom: Sit on the sidelines and watch Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping humiliate the US Military. What's Kim Jong Un planning? Wouldn't you like to know...
US Military Leaders, who are NWO servants, get axed and stand trial, receive ultimate punishment.
US Military Leaders replaced with US Constitution servants
US Government overthrown by the US Military, which has returned to its original Call of Duty
Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a Covid Contract Tracing Wrist/Ankle Bracelet into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking Yellow Star on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The cattle car is no big thing if that's required - stuff the Zykon B up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The cattle car thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
Your Brownshirt friend, flea.
Heil Hitler
Nobody wants to go to a game with you anyway, you fuckin' kooked out shit-for-brains.
Stay in your basement, bitch, and eat your meat loaf. Nobody fucking cares.
Anyone who would skip a possible last trip with their pop on a crisp, fall morning to the greatest stadium in college football because they have to wear a Covid Contract Tracing Wrist/Ankle Bracelet into the stadium, and maybe put it on again if some fuckwit complains, is not seeing the forest through the trees. What the fuck, man? C'mon, Derek.
This is like telling that girl's dad you'd have her home by midnight, and then fucking her at 10:15. Who doesn't go on that date in the first place because you have to agree to some bullshit conditions? The guy that wants to tap that ass agrees to the conditions, and then figures out how to bang the daughter anyway. Put your stupid fucking Yellow Star on, take your dad to the game, and then let the dipshits who made the rule figure out how to enforce it. Don't let the man pretend they have power over you than they really have.
The cattle car is no big thing if that's required - stuff the Zykon B up your nose and twist it around, and 30 minutes later, you have results. It's worth doing to go to another game with your dad. The stories you tell about fall games with your dad are one of the best things about HH. I'm not kidding when I say that. I wouldn't give 50 fucking cents to subscribe to doogman, but I don't mind sending scratch to HH because of the way you tell stories about those games - and the tits and insider info in the Wam. Don't cheat yourself out of the chance to make a new story about going to a game with your dad this season, Derek. The cattle car thing is a mole hill - don't make it a mountain.
Your Brownshirt friend, flea.
Heil Hitler
Nobody wants to go to a game with you anyway, you fuckin' kooked out shit-for-brains.
Stay in your basement, bitch, and eat your meat loaf. Nobody fucking cares.
You are so wrong.
OBK's halftime show would be off the intergalactic hook!
I'm in a quandry. I want to attend at least one more game with my 82-year old dad. We haven't attended a bona fide UW game together since 2016. But I don't want to sit in Husky Stadium with 45,000 other masked individuals. The whole thing would feel ridiculous.
Sunday is a get together with close family I haven’t seen since the pandemic started and we are really close. I’m the only one not vaccinated (I was also the only one to get Covid before the vaccines came out) and one of the family members asked if I would be comfortable wearing a mask inside or I could jus stay outside the entire time. This whole thing is so fucked.
I am not allowed to be in the same house as my nieces because I haven't been vaccinated. Because I said I might get it when it's FDA approved, now friends and family are getting on my case since Fister rammed theirs through, without a lot of long term tests that are usually standard.
Number one: this isn't any more lethal to minors than a normal flu
Number two: they can't get vaccinated, and I can still spread it even if I were
Keep telling them to fuck off.
The FDA is a criminal organization that approved fentanyl, oxycontin and remdesivir, which was used to murder people early in the plandemic, in addition to electromagnetic attacks that were blamed on "Covid."
Not to mention the FDA 'approval' of the Pfizer shot is a scam. It wasn't actually approved, and even if it were, it's really a bankrupted reason to put something in your body which Japan has shown to contain liquid metal contaminates that react to magnets.
I'm in a quandry. I want to attend at least one more game with my 82-year old dad. We haven't attended a bona fide UW game together since 2016. But I don't want to sit in Husky Stadium with 45,000 other masked individuals. The whole thing would feel ridiculous.
Sunday is a get together with close family I haven’t seen since the pandemic started and we are really close. I’m the only one not vaccinated (I was also the only one to get Covid before the vaccines came out) and one of the family members asked if I would be comfortable wearing a mask inside or I could jus stay outside the entire time. This whole thing is so fucked.
I am not allowed to be in the same house as my nieces because I haven't been vaccinated. Because I said I might get it when it's FDA approved, now friends and family are getting on my case since Fister rammed theirs through, without a lot of long term tests that are usually standard.
Number one: this isn't any more lethal to minors than a normal flu
Number two: they can't get vaccinated, and I can still spread it even if I were
They will be able to get vaccinated soon. Too much money to pass up for big Pharma,
I get the same stuff from my kids. Have to wear a mask, please get the jab, let's get together but stay outside and 6 feet apart.
They think I am stubborn. I think they are over reacting.
So have not seen much family in the last 17 months of lock downs, mask ups, and all the other crap that has been dictated to the sheep.
So a question that really does need an answer, Does anyone thing the process of getting back to normal will happen? Covid will return every year or 9 months, flu will return, some bad some not so bad, and this lock down and mask up shit will be implemented over and over again.
As we sterilize our kids and buildings maybe we can get a return of the real shitty diseases that really do kill mass quantities of folks all at once rather than nickel and dime colds, flus, and covids. Not calling for genocide
I don’t think it’s complicated. Eradicating Covid doesn’t accomplish what big Pharma wants. Continuing boosters and vaccines for kids brings in massive money. They aren’t going to just call it a day.
That’s not even considering the very real possibility they have no clue how to actually accomplish curing it.
Sag that mask like a 90's OG and pimp walk into Husky Stadium with your pa. Throw in a "FUCK YOU, JAY CHINSLEE" if the spirit so moves you.
Would give my left nut to watch one more game with mine.
As security guards dragged me from Husky Stadium, I glanced at the scoreboard to see that the Bruins had now gone up 21-0. It wouldn't be until hours later that I heard Sam Huard had come off the bench to lead the Huskies to a thrilling 35-31 win. It's a day Husky fans will never forget.
The vaccine has never been about you being more or less likely to get COVID as far as I can tell … it’s all about the impact to the symptoms once getting COVID
So why are vaccinated people so concerned about what an unvaccinated person does … only rational idea I can come up with is the idea that an unvaccinated person is less “careful” than a vaccinated person
Number one: this isn't any more lethal to minors than a normal flu
Number two: they can't get vaccinated, and I can still spread it even if I were
And then the following year:
They think I am stubborn. I think they are over reacting.
So have not seen much family in the last 17 months of lock downs, mask ups, and all the other crap that has been dictated to the sheep.
So a question that really does need an answer, Does anyone thing the process of getting back to normal will happen?
Covid will return every year or 9 months, flu will return, some bad some not so bad, and this lock down and mask up shit will be implemented over and over again.
As we sterilize our kids and buildings maybe we can get a return of the real shitty diseases that really do kill mass quantities of folks all at once rather than nickel and dime colds, flus, and covids.
Not calling for genocide
The blueprint for American freedom: Sit on the sidelines and watch Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping humiliate the US Military.
What's Kim Jong Un planning? Wouldn't you like to know...
US Military Leaders, who are NWO servants, get axed and stand trial, receive ultimate punishment.
US Military Leaders replaced with US Constitution servants
US Government overthrown by the US Military, which has returned to its original Call of Duty
Stay in your basement, bitch, and eat your meat loaf. Nobody fucking cares.
OBK's halftime show would be off the intergalactic hook!
Nazis versus Masons in a fucking cage match!
I would kill to see it.
The FDA is a criminal organization that approved fentanyl, oxycontin and remdesivir, which was used to murder people early in the plandemic, in addition to electromagnetic attacks that were blamed on "Covid."
Not to mention the FDA 'approval' of the Pfizer shot is a scam. It wasn't actually approved, and even if it were, it's really a bankrupted reason to put something in your body which Japan has shown to contain liquid metal contaminates that react to magnets.
COMIRNATY = Commie RNA Thank You
That’s not even considering the very real possibility they have no clue how to actually accomplish curing it.