China Cold will do whatever it does. They've had time to set up contingency shit for the hospitals if there are surges which is why shutdowns after a few months in were dumb. Masks are useless unless it's a N 95.
Notice how the .1 percent made off like bandits while most people were royally fucked in some way shape or form? As if that's a coincidence.
A smoke particle is like 150 to 250 nanometers in diameter. The aerosolized virus particle is 60 to 140 nanometers. Smoke goes through a cloth mask like crap through a goose and yet supposed scientists are recommending kabuki theater mask wearing as community virtue signaling. The basic futility of a cloth mask to filter out the chicom crud virus is so readily apparent to anyone with basic math and logic skills and yet you never hear any MSM pushback on the CDC or here in Oregon and Washington pointing out that the "health experts" are lying to us.
Notice how the .1 percent made off like bandits while most people were royally fucked in some way shape or form? As if that's a coincidence.