If you think RAT women who could and should care will use their influence to attack the Biden administration you'd be mistaken. They will all blame Trump and publicly state, "Isn’t it a shame these women will be imprisoned, gang raped, tortured and eventually murdered?" Will they care or be outraged? Cmon man; you know their ideology is evil and insane. They are being told and they will parrot the rape is for their own good and that the stonings will be done by really nice and misunderstood Taliban "men".
It was phucking W that called Islam the religion of peace and started this mess. Trying to turn Afghanistan into Belgium started with Bush and his neocons.
All your boy had to do was lay low for 2 years and die in his sleep to be hailed a hero.
Real world consequences for your angry little ilk.
And the answer is, "because they don't have cocks to suck or hairy balls to slam into her face."
Carry on.