Bet the LGBTXYPDQ Alliance will be strangely quiet when the Taliban starts tossing the gays off rooftops again.
If you hear anything from them it will be to claim that the Taliban is just like Christians Conservatives who would do the same thing to gays if they had the power.
Joy Reid has already done this. She says Christians are the Taliban. This is a dangerously evil person who people like H and fister worship.
Bet the LGBTXYPDQ Alliance will be strangely quiet when the Taliban starts tossing the gays off rooftops again.
If you hear anything from them it will be to claim that the Taliban is just like Christians Conservatives who would do the same thing to gays if they had the power.
Joy Reid has already done this. She says Christians are the Taliban. This is a dangerously evil person who people like H and fister worship.
Joy Reid gets worse and worse with every tweet. That her takeaway of this Afghanistan disaster is "Christian conservatives want to turn women into sex slaves" is obscene. Shit, even if you do think that's true, read the fucking room. Not the time or place.
Bet the LGBTXYPDQ Alliance will be strangely quiet when the Taliban starts tossing the gays off rooftops again.
If you hear anything from them it will be to claim that the Taliban is just like Christians Conservatives who would do the same thing to gays if they had the power.
Joy Reid has already done this. She says Christians are the Taliban. This is a dangerously evil person who people like H and fister worship.
Joy Reid gets worse and worse with every tweet. That her takeaway of this Afghanistan disaster is "Christian conservatives want to turn women into sex slaves" is obscene. Shit, even if you do think that's true, read the fucking room. Not the time or place.
If you think that's fucking true you have no business having a national TV show. If you had totally retrograde views on black people or any other minorities you'd be gone before COB. But she is allowed to spout this crap with no repercussions.
Afghanistan will be better off under the Taliban than under the leadership of the freemason Nazis that run the USA Corp and the US NWO Military. They conducted the 911 attacks, not OBL. He was an actor. Their idea of 'democracy' is setting up human trafficking networks for sacrifice rituals and adrenochrome harvesting and trafficking operations. The disgrace is only just beginning. The US has lost all credibility, and will continue to lose credibility when Xi Jinping takes Taiwan without a fight, and the Vlad annexes Ukraine with no resistance. This is necessary, to expel these Satanists from territories they have no right to operate in. No one in America owes them any allegiance or fealty, they are mass murdering with a 'vax' that is not a vax, setting up a totalitarian state, and the US Military and FEMA are planning to operate Covid Concentration Camps. They have become a mortal enemy of the entire world. They always were, they've just pulled off their masks now for all to see.
Afghanistan will be better off under the Taliban than under the leadership of the freemason Nazis that run the USA Corp and the US NWO Military. They conducted the 911 attacks, not OBL. He was an actor. Their idea of 'democracy' is setting up human trafficking networks for sacrifice rituals and adrenochrome harvesting and trafficking operations. The disgrace is only just beginning. The US has lost all credibility, and will continue to lose credibility when Xi Jinping takes Taiwan without a fight, and the Vlad annexes Ukraine with no resistance. This is necessary, to expel these Satanists from territories they have no right to operate in. No one in America owes them any allegiance or fealty, they are mass murdering with a 'vax' that is not a vax, setting up a totalitarian state, and the US Military and FEMA are planning to operate Covid Concentration Camps. They have become a mortal enemy of the entire world. They always were, they've just pulled off their masks now for all to see.
Wait, so you support Communism and the evil brutality of the Taliban?
Afghanistan will be better off under the Taliban than under the leadership of the freemason Nazis that run the USA Corp and the US NWO Military. They conducted the 911 attacks, not OBL. He was an actor. Their idea of 'democracy' is setting up human trafficking networks for sacrifice rituals and adrenochrome harvesting and trafficking operations. The disgrace is only just beginning. The US has lost all credibility, and will continue to lose credibility when Xi Jinping takes Taiwan without a fight, and the Vlad annexes Ukraine with no resistance. This is necessary, to expel these Satanists from territories they have no right to operate in. No one in America owes them any allegiance or fealty, they are mass murdering with a 'vax' that is not a vax, setting up a totalitarian state, and the US Military and FEMA are planning to operate Covid Concentration Camps. They have become a mortal enemy of the entire world. They always were, they've just pulled off their masks now for all to see.
Wait, so you support Communism and the evil brutality of the Taliban?
If I supported Communism, or more accurately, a fusion of Communism and Nazism, I would be supporting the US government and its 5 Eyes allies, which intend to become more totalitarian than Nazi Germany. It makes people angry when the Sacred Cow, the US Military, is called out, but once again, fuck the US Military, and by that I mean the leadership. Isn't their principle duty to protect Americans, not serve tyranny? Not to stand by and do absolutely NOTHING when a hostile takeover is occurring? Worse than that, the US Military is actively participating in the Covid Agenda.
The US Government conducted the 911 attacks, firing a missile into the Pentagon, and bombing the WTCs, while using the MSM to perpetuate the myth that hijackers used jets - flights that officially DID NOT EXIST on 911. These jets were CGI. Just because you saw it on television, doesn't mean that it's true. Now the same vermin who committed these terrorist attacks, have labeled YOU the terrorist for refusing to comply with the rollout of their totalitarian state.
Are the Taliban evil? Yes they are, but the US Government is more evil than the Taliban. The Taliban were paid by the US and UK Governments to maintain a presence in Afghanistan and to conduct occasional attacks in order to justify the continuing operation there, which was principally a drug trafficking operation.
In other news, after Xi Jinping takes Taiwan and re-unifies China, he can turn his full attention on fighting the CCP, officially abolishing communism and becoming the Emperor of China, thus returning China to its natural state, previous to Mao. The commies were responsible for the split of China and Taiwan, so it will be poetic justice when this is fully reversed back on them. Just when they think they've won, the rug will be pulled. Xi is a Master of Disguise, the CCP's Trojan Horse.
The US Government conducted the 911 attacks, firing a missile into the Pentagon, and bombing the WTCs, while using the MSM to perpetuate the myth that hijackers used jets - flights that officially DID NOT EXIST on 911. These jets were CGI. Just because you saw it on television, doesn't mean that it's true. Now the same vermin who committed these terrorist attacks, have labeled YOU the terrorist for refusing to comply with the rollout of their totalitarian state.
Are the Taliban evil? Yes they are, but the US Government is more evil than the Taliban. The Taliban were paid by the US and UK Governments to maintain a presence in Afghanistan and to conduct occasional attacks in order to justify the continuing operation there, which was principally a drug trafficking operation.
In other news, after Xi Jinping takes Taiwan and re-unifies China, he can turn his full attention on fighting the CCP, officially abolishing communism and becoming the Emperor of China, thus returning China to its natural state, previous to Mao. The commies were responsible for the split of China and Taiwan, so it will be poetic justice when this is fully reversed back on them. Just when they think they've won, the rug will be pulled. Xi is a Master of Disguise, the CCP's Trojan Horse.