You can make your uh hypothetical child wear a mask without a mask mandate
People forget that
A mandate is not asking the kid it is telling them
No mandate and you can still wear 5 fucking masks and have your hypothetical child wear 19
So I take that as a no
They lifted the mandate here in early April. We were leaving for Hawaii like a week or 2 later.
Just told the kids….”look I don’t know if they work or not. But we’ve been COVID free and we’re rounding third here. Wear ‘em until Hawaii and then you can do what you want.”
Teaching your kid to be an uninformed sheeple is no way to go about parenting son.
Yes…..I know you live life on the razors edge. Lemme guess….you roll through stoplights. Cook your steak only until 100 degrees on your Traeger
Good. They should be. A little late if you ask me but, better late than never
We pulled our kids from a school forcing masks and put them in one that doesn't. Now the state is trying to force even private schools and daycares under threats of pulling their licenses.
Vote with your wallet. My kids won't ever go to a public school in California. If they force masks in private we will homeschool in a pod until we move out of state.
You can make your uh hypothetical child wear a mask without a mask mandate
People forget that
A mandate is not asking the kid it is telling them
No mandate and you can still wear 5 fucking masks and have your hypothetical child wear 19
So I take that as a no
They lifted the mandate here in early April. We were leaving for Hawaii like a week or 2 later.
Just told the kids….”look I don’t know if they work or not. But we’ve been COVID free and we’re rounding third here. Wear ‘em until Hawaii and then you can do what you want.”
Teaching your kid to be an uninformed sheeple is no way to go about parenting son.
Yes…..I know you live life on the razors edge. Lemme guess….you roll through stoplights. Cook your steak only until 100 degrees on your Traeger