Easy loser in 10 seconds. Are they adding Obama to the lawsuit? He ran guns to Mexico that have killed north of 125 people.
Lets look at guns in Mexico. A great deal of the guns are American. America supplies Mexico's military. About 16K Mexican soldiers desert each year taking military hardware with them. This is where the bulk of Mexican drug guns rolls from. This is where all the M16's, belt fed MG's and grenade launchers etc. come from. Sounds like they need to sue themselves.
Gangs in LA
Lets look at guns in Mexico. A great deal of the guns are American. America supplies Mexico's military. About 16K Mexican soldiers desert each year taking military hardware with them. This is where the bulk of Mexican drug guns rolls from. This is where all the M16's, belt fed MG's and grenade launchers etc. come from. Sounds like they need to sue themselves.