Appears so. I think the fuck bags here won't admit to liking anything by U2 because it puts their tugme tavern creds in jeopardy.
If I based my music on politics 81 percent of my Playlist would be gone
Neil Young and I are on different wave lengths these days. Don't care
U2 sucks and Bono is a poser
I could play those guitar riffs
I respek your stance on this.
I try to do the same with music, acting etc. I only fail when it comes to Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson. I keep trying though. Watched part of Braveheart a few weeks ago before I got tired of him posing dramatically and turned it off. I did make it all the way through A Few Good Men last week but that film is so good I'm able to forget who he is while I watch it.
I really like this song, and U2. They’re great showman too, I saw them several years ago live at Qwest/CenturyLink (or whatever the fuck it’s called now).
Appears so. I think the fuck bags here won't admit to liking anything by U2 because it puts their tugme tavern creds in jeopardy.
If I based my music on politics 81 percent of my Playlist would be gone
Neil Young and I are on different wave lengths these days. Don't care
U2 sucks and Bono is a poser
I could play those guitar riffs
I respek your stance on this.
I try to do the same with music, acting etc. I only fail when it comes to Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson. I keep trying though. Watched part of Braveheart a few weeks ago before I got tired of him posing dramatically and turned it off. I did make it all the way through A Few Good Men last week but that film is so good I'm able to forget who he is while I watch it.
Braveheart may be historically inaccurate and Mel Gibson may be a piece of shit, but putting down that movie is fightin' words!
Tom Cruise... That's a battle in which I've admitted defeat. Fuck that guy for being as good as he is at what he does while also being such a colossal anus. His filmography is basically a catalog of movies I like. I can't not watch them. Fuck. That. Guy.
IFL this album front to back. That said U2 is one of the more overrated bands in history.
Good timing. There was an opening for a marketable pop rock band with a little depth in their lyrics in the 80s. They have three albums that interest me though, and Joshua Tree was the last. I guess to me they're more oversold and over marketed than overrated.
Appears so. I think the fuck bags here won't admit to liking anything by U2 because it puts their tugme tavern creds in jeopardy.
If I based my music on politics 81 percent of my Playlist would be gone
Neil Young and I are on different wave lengths these days. Don't care
U2 sucks and Bono is a poser
I could play those guitar riffs
I respek your stance on this.
I try to do the same with music, acting etc. I only fail when it comes to Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson. I keep trying though. Watched part of Braveheart a few weeks ago before I got tired of him posing dramatically and turned it off. I did make it all the way through A Few Good Men last week but that film is so good I'm able to forget who he is while I watch it.
Braveheart may be historically inaccurate and Mel Gibson may be a piece of shit, but putting down that movie is fightin' words!
Tom Cruise... That's a battle in which I've admitted defeat. Fuck that guy for being as good as he is at what he does while also being such a colossal anus. His filmography is basically a catalog of movies I like. I can't not watch them. Fuck. That. Guy.
IFL this album front to back. That said U2 is one of the more overrated bands in history.
Good timing. There was an opening for a marketable pop rock band with a little depth in their lyrics in the 80s. They have three albums that interest me though, and Joshua Tree was the last. I guess to me they're more oversold and over marketed than overrated.
The other two?
Personally, Under a Blood Red Sky was one of my favorite U2 albums. Recorded during their War Tour.
IFL this album front to back. That said U2 is one of the more overrated bands in history.
Good timing. There was an opening for a marketable pop rock band with a little depth in their lyrics in the 80s. They have three albums that interest me though, and Joshua Tree was the last. I guess to me they're more oversold and over marketed than overrated.
The other two?
Personally, Under a Blood Red Sky was one of my favorite U2 albums. Recorded during their War Tour.
IFL this album front to back. That said U2 is one of the more overrated bands in history.
Good timing. There was an opening for a marketable pop rock band with a little depth in their lyrics in the 80s. They have three albums that interest me though, and Joshua Tree was the last. I guess to me they're more oversold and over marketed than overrated.
The other two?
Personally, Under a Blood Red Sky was one of my favorite U2 albums. Recorded during their War Tour.
War is my favorite. New Year's Day is easily my favorite song by them.
Neil Young and I are on different wave lengths these days. Don't care
U2 sucks and Bono is a poser
I could play those guitar riffs
I try to do the same with music, acting etc. I only fail when it comes to Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson. I keep trying though. Watched part of Braveheart a few weeks ago before I got tired of him posing dramatically and turned it off. I did make it all the way through A Few Good Men last week but that film is so good I'm able to forget who he is while I watch it.
ATBS (JBS), they are overrated.
Tom Cruise... That's a battle in which I've admitted defeat. Fuck that guy for being as good as he is at what he does while also being such a colossal anus. His filmography is basically a catalog of movies I like. I can't not watch them. Fuck. That. Guy.
Personally, Under a Blood Red Sky was one of my favorite U2 albums. Recorded during their War Tour.
Unforgettable Fire is the other.