I once got into an argument with a friend once over mercury fillings for teeth. He said he didn’t care if they were safe, he’d rather not put mercury into his body. I pointed out to him that he eats tuna and that contains mercury. He stared, blankly, at me and then repeated he wouldn’t get mercury fillings.
I once got into an argument with a friend once over mercury fillings for teeth. He said he didn’t care if they were safe, he’d rather not put mercury into his body. I pointed out to him that he eats tuna and that contains mercury. He stared, blankly, at me and then repeated he wouldn’t get mercury fillings.
Hollywood is not your ally. But they know things. So pay attention to the movies, it's all connected - to the CIA, to CERN, to the Global Satanic Cabal and the "Internet of Things." And so will you be, killed, connected to the Hive Mind, assimilated like a Borg, assassinated by an AI controlled 5g death tower if you don't resist.
Familiar? It should be, if you've watched Spiderman and Venom.
For potential military super soldier applications, watch "Bloodshot" where Vin Diesel is a nanobot powered bio-cyborg with superhuman capabilities of regeneration.
Dust off those old Terminator DVDs if you want to see law enforcement applications. The franchise began in 1984, by the way.
But don't make the mistake of thinking you're going to become Spiderman or Arnold Schwarzenegger if you take the 'vax.' Schwarzenegger is a Cabalist, and these superpowers are not for the sheep and the cattle. The Optical Absorbance for Graphene Oxide is 666 f/g.
Graphene Oxide is the virus that will be used to kill and control you, to connect you to the "IOT" and to harvest and monetize the energy of the graphene inside your body. If you survive the vaxxes, you're going to become a human cyborg, and will be used like batteries, as in the Matrix. And like batteries, thrown away when the power is used up, and remotely assassinated by the 5g towers if you rebel.
I once got into an argument with a friend once over mercury fillings for teeth. He said he didn’t care if they were safe, he’d rather not put mercury into his body. I pointed out to him that he eats tuna and that contains mercury. He stared, blankly, at me and then repeated he wouldn’t get mercury fillings.
I once got into an argument with a friend once over mercury fillings for teeth. He said he didn’t care if they were safe, he’d rather not put mercury into his body. I pointed out to him that he eats tuna and that contains mercury. He stared, blankly, at me and then repeated he wouldn’t get mercury fillings.
Less mercury fillings = more leeway for eating mercury tainted fish.
However, GO aggregates in biological liquid and induces cell death, and it also exhibits poor biosolubility and biocompatibility. To address these limitations, various surface modification protocols have been employed to integrate aqueous compatible substances with GO to effectively improve its biocompatibility.
I once got into an argument with a friend once over mercury fillings for teeth. He said he didn’t care if they were safe, he’d rather not put mercury into his body. I pointed out to him that he eats tuna and that contains mercury. He stared, blankly, at me and then repeated he wouldn’t get mercury fillings.
Probably true, but still....
China companies involved in the technology. But who knows what’s true anymore.
Hollywood is not your ally. But they know things. So pay attention to the movies, it's all connected -
to the CIA, to CERN, to the Global Satanic Cabal and the "Internet of Things." And so will you be,
killed, connected to the Hive Mind, assimilated like a Borg, assassinated by an AI controlled 5g
death tower if you don't resist.
Familiar? It should be, if you've watched Spiderman and Venom.
For potential military super soldier applications, watch "Bloodshot" where Vin Diesel
is a nanobot powered bio-cyborg with superhuman capabilities of regeneration.
Dust off those old Terminator DVDs if you want to see law enforcement applications. The
franchise began in 1984, by the way.
But don't make the mistake of thinking you're going to become Spiderman or Arnold
Schwarzenegger if you take the 'vax.' Schwarzenegger is a Cabalist, and these
superpowers are not for the sheep and the cattle. The Optical Absorbance for Graphene
Oxide is 666 f/g.
Graphene Oxide is the virus that will be used to kill and control you, to connect you to the
"IOT" and to harvest and monetize the energy of the graphene inside your body. If you
survive the vaxxes, you're going to become a human cyborg, and will be used like
batteries, as in the Matrix. And like batteries, thrown away when the power is used up, and
remotely assassinated by the 5g towers if you rebel.
@LoneStarDawg @HHusky
an excerpt
However, GO aggregates in biological liquid and induces cell death, and it also exhibits poor biosolubility and biocompatibility. To address these limitations, various surface modification protocols have been employed to integrate aqueous compatible substances with GO to effectively improve its biocompatibility.