Reich's Chancellery, 10 Downing Street, London

Right Honorable Members of the Alliance and the Resistance,

We have obtained the Blueprint for the next stage of Dystopia that the Cabalists have planned
for the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is Depopulation Target #1.

It is a blueprint only, the exact locations, dates and Covid 1984 'variants' may be slightly altered,
to protect the lives and identities of those who secured the information.
We now have a short window of opportunity with which to finalize our next steps of the process,
it remains crucial for everything to remain on track and for us all to remember our common
purpose behind this, it has been tough and will get tougher, but provided that we stay united and
that we manage to persuade the bulk of the country that we are doing this for good reasons, then
we will be able to move on with part 2 of the plan, in short, this will be moving toward a permanent
lockdown, with the reasons for doing so being a spike in the new India and Nepal variants of the
virus, which as we know is a rebranding of hay fever. The virus has already been profitable and
fruitful for us and there is no limit to which we cannot further profit in both in financial and
reputational terms. Still, we must ensure that we have complete and utter cooperation from both the
government and the media with this, and use the line that "it is just too risky to go ahead with
Summer." We can model increases in these variants in line with anti lockdown protests, as well as
large gatherings for football matches and in such popular holiday locations as Blackpool, Bournemouth,
Brighton and other tourist traps.
If we can get the message out that because these variants are going to multiply and completely
crash the NHS if not correctly dealt with immediately, then the public should be compliant, and the
compliance and unquestioning nature of the masses will be crucial in getting us across the finish line,
and thereby we would have played our part in the changing of the country. It will then be for others to
lockdown as part of the Kalergi, WEF Schwab Plan for other reasons, such as the environment and
water scarcity from 2022/2023, food shortages, 2023/2024, global finance and mass inflation, 2024/
2025, culminating in the finalization of the UN, WHO, WEF joint Global Kalergi plan in 2025.

The Capital Variant centred on London - anti lockdown protesters and football fans will
be deemed responsible for a more aggressive variant which causes lung, heart and kidney
problems, this will mean locking London down in Summer. Dorset variant centred in Bournemouth -
people traveling on holiday from London to Bournemouth brought capital variant to the area,
and this has mutated into a new variant, which means the area must be locked down.
The Border Variant, centred on the England, Scotland border - people traveling between the two
countries have brought two different variants into two countries, which are mixing, spreading
and mutating with other variants, we could also work this in with football fans attending
football matches in Scotland. In order to get more people to be vaccinated, Glaxo Smith Kline
will stop the production of medicines for common colds, flu, hay fever, along with Johnson &
Johnson, Bayer, Merck. No chemist will be able or allowed to sell them. People will be frightened
into believing they have the new variants.
We must count on the peoples willing obedience as well as the Prime Minister and his ministers
to be compliant with us, we all know if this were to unravel, that the consequences will be
dire. If we can continue to manipulate the majority, this will make things a lot easier and
allow us the extra breathing space required. "You are a true patriot if you obey."
Also as certain groups such as Blacks, Asians and the Gay community are being ignorant, problematic
as regards vaccinations, more is necessary to educate these groups into conforming and having
both vaccines when introduced. Regarding our immunity from future prosecution, this depends
on both the Prime Minister and ourselves retaining a good relationship, and both his and other
government ministers complying. He knows what leverage we have over him, and as he is bound
and guided by us first and foremost, we can get our way, however we also have the literal get
out of jail free card, by stating we were following the data and doing the best for the people,
so long as the line continues to be put out and believed, such as the case of issuing the Midazolam
to the elderly, we should be fine and avoid any flack. In closing therefore, lets keep this up
and ensure that you are seen to be acting only in the best interest of the UK in fighting against
the virus. Please keep this information under lock and key, do not forget basic security,
as what the public doesn't know won't hurt them. As ever, deny all knowledge of having received
this information, even if it means lying to those you know.
Whilst we know there will be resistance to this, we must ensure that any and
all resistance is kept to an absolute minimum, and this applies to all strata of society, from
the ordinary man and woman in the street, to MP's and Lords, whilst over 70 percent support our
actions thanks to modifications to, we have a hardcore group of vehement so called pro
freedom people who are determined to scuttle us at any opportunity, the launch of the new
GB News channel has only added fuel to the fire, therefore our plan is for us to apply
as much pressure as possible on social media companies in the UK, to commence the following
procedures immediately in order to protect us and what we are doing. Block, ban and delete
any and all posts and users which go against 'scientific consensus.'

Note: There remains the distinct possibility that Diana is still alive and living under a new
identity, along with JFK Jr. Don't be surprised if they resurface one day to testify against
the Cabalists, Diane to avenge herself on the Royals, and JFK for the assassination
operation on his father, led by former CIA Director George HW Bush.
Websites must restrict, deny access to the above groups, including cancelation of any account,
for anti lockdown people and their group leaders, have their details forwarded to the police,
and be arrested for inciting hatred, violence and civil disobedience, as provision for this
already falls under the Coronavirus Act of 2020. For any parent, guardian who openly states
that they or their family will not be vaccinated, to have their children or elderly relatives
removed permanently from their homes, and or for them to be removed from the property, regardless
of ownership or deed entitlements.
Giant Prison Camps are Being Built Near Crematoria
A copy of these proposals entitled "Combating Covid Disinformation 2021" has already been sent
to Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, YouTube and Sundar Pichai of Google/Alphabet.
We understand the Prime Minister is going to push for stronger action in this regard
against the anti lockdown movement, including deploying the Army, and for every street in
the United Kingdom to be strictly and rigorously policed during the forthcoming lockdown.
We have been updated by Cerco who are to release the stay at home bracelets
which will act like electronic tags and will be made compulsory for every household in the country
with all residents and tenants being made to have both by law. These bracelets will work with
the new 5g technology and will notify the Central Command Center if a person has ventured
outside their confined space, with punishment ranging to fines to detainment and custody for
indefinite periods. The first batch of bracelets will be introduced in London, Birmingham,
Nottingham, Cardiff, Belfast, Newcastle, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield,
Norwich, York, etc. The whole of the UK is scheduled to have these bracelets on and activated
by Winter. getting people used to complying with us, we can break down any and all resistance
to the new changes coming to the UK, however we must always appear to be friends of the people
and look as if we have their best interest at heart, so that they do not think counter to what
we want of them. We must get the media to push the line that as too many people have died,
the message is always "stay at home, save lives, save the NHS," as well as being scientists who
need to keep up our good profile with the media and be as savvy as we possibly can.
If sections of this Blueprint fail to materialize as detailed here , it is because certain "pieces" have
been "removed from the Chessboard."
Brit Bundes Reich "Former Colony" of India
Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, and 4 to 6 major
Indian states are also planning a total lockdown in late Summer, early Autumn. It will be another
exercise in absolute control through force. They will target children as young as 2 years of age.
They murder the old and infirm first, then destroy the female through sterility via the 'jab.' They
target children so they will not grow old. Not only do they kill as many outright as possible, but
they stunt the future to a point that human reproduction is another control mechanism to keep the
population in check.
The Indian government announced if someone snitches on resisters to the government's Covid
enforcement policies they can receive a reward of up to 330 US dollars, in most cases, if the cause
of the arrest cannot be confirmed, the arrested will get the reward and the complainer will get 2
years in prison. In cases where someone gets the 'jab' and dies, the heir or someone in their family
will receive up to 5300 US dollars, depending on how important the dead person was. This opens
up euthanasia scenarios. The people who are deemed worthless by their families will be killed, and
someone will collect the reward. The government is already seeing the positive results and have
recovered over 14kg in gold and 6 million in cash in snitching operations.
Push up the middle, heat from the edge.
RIP @Passion
The commitment to the shtick is noteworthy