You can build housing but most of it will just give drug users a place to crash. The crime is high in places that already exist.
You can provide therapy but it’s chance of working is spotty.
It seems like a money pit to me. I’ve never read or heard a theory on fixing it that seems logical and can’t get picked apart.
Some people can’t be helped or aren’t ready to be helped.
Relax zoning regulations and expand mental institutions. The truly down-on-their-luck homeless have an easier path out and the fuck-everything-up homeless are removed from society.
I'm queasy about the idea of admitting people against their will, but the problem is out of fucking control. We have people racking up misdemeanors by the dozen and making large swaths of west coast cities unlivable. Someone who chronically shits on sidewalks needs to be under lock and key until they can demonstrate that they'll no longer shit on sidewalks.
I have an idea, how about you quit supporting it. Last time I was in the dump that is now downtown Portland we saw more abled bodied and of mind people on the streets living the drug life than we did those that are so mentally handicapped that they need full time assistance.
Quit supporting it, take away the free phones, healthcare, free food, free shelter when weather gets rough, and force those who are mentally unable into government run facilities. Then start jailing those that are living the drug life and spend their every other moment breaking into cars.
Biggest money grab out there.
Jesus Christ! Kamala looks more and more like Scatman Crothers every day.
You can build housing but most of it will just give drug users a place to crash. The crime is high in places that already exist.
You can provide therapy but it’s chance of working is spotty.
It seems like a money pit to me. I’ve never read or heard a theory on fixing it that seems logical and can’t get picked apart.
Some people can’t be helped or aren’t ready to be helped.
Something we don't grow in Seattle anymore.
I'm queasy about the idea of admitting people against their will, but the problem is out of fucking control. We have people racking up misdemeanors by the dozen and making large swaths of west coast cities unlivable. Someone who chronically shits on sidewalks needs to be under lock and key until they can demonstrate that they'll no longer shit on sidewalks.
I can’t believe there are people that buy into this shit.
Quit supporting it, take away the free phones, healthcare, free food, free shelter when weather gets rough, and force those who are mentally unable into government run facilities. Then start jailing those that are living the drug life and spend their every other moment breaking into cars.