The BidenBros cheer!"Unlike other federal government-related police which are subject to FOIA and part of the executive branch, the Capitol Police are under the control of Congress and not subject to FOIA. So, basically you have a police force controlled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spreading out across the country.
I’m not a conspiracy fan, but you don’t have to be to find that problematic.
Now, there’s more that is setting off the alarm bells in my head.
Not only will they be setting up across the country, starting first with offices in California and Florida, but they will have military surveillance equipment as they become “an intelligence based protective agency,” according to the Washington Times.
Defense Secretary Loyd (sic) Austin recently approved the Capitol Police’s request for eight Persistent Surveillance Systems Ground – Medium (PSSG-M) units. The system provides high-definition surveillance video and is enabled with night vision. The system does not include facial recognition capabilities, according to the Pentagon.
“This technology will be integrated with existing USCP camera infrastructure, providing greater high definition surveillance capacity to meet steady-state mission requirements and help identify emerging threats,” the Pentagon said.
The technology, originally used by the U.S. troops during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, allows the user to monitor large areas 24/7 through extremely high-resolution cameras."
More in the article.
The BidenBros are abusing themselves furiously in their fervent joy.
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No accountability = no rules. Get set for multiple Ruby Ridges around the country. It's going to happen.
Is that right @MelloDawg?
It seems like ANY American who isn't an all out Marxist would have issues with this...
I hope you don’t expect a response