You can't trust democrats, especially the ones who consider themselves the elites. If you do, you are an idiot.
This racist sob is the prime example of a racist rat hypocrite. One of the elites of the elites. A Northeastern rat who is elected by democrats.
For decades he has invested in and held his social life in a "Beach club" that excludes all minorities. The article also says he is now one of the biggest shareholders of the "beach club".
This has been known for some time now but racist dems just keep on voting him in. Jim Crow lives on and I think it is fair to say Senator Whitehouse likes only having pale faces around him and his family. asked by GoLocalProv whether white-only exclusive clubs such as Bailey’s Beach Club, which is part of the Spouting Rock Beach Association, should “continue to exist,” Whitehouse refused to offer a straight answer and merely stated that “it’s a long tradition” in the state.
“It’s a long tradition in Rhode Island and there are many of them, and we just need to work our way through the issues,” Whitehouse said.
According to the report, “both Whitehouse and his wife Sandra as well as their families have been members of the club for decades” where they are “now one of the largest shareholders in the all-white club.”
Seems like it's one rather simple question.