If you gave half of those people a placebo pill their symptoms would magically disappear.
Same with cancer. As long as you don't know anyone with cancer, it's a totally made up disease.
Analogies are not your strong suit.
I know a Covid long hauler. I’m sure she’ll be grateful to learn that one sugar pill will cure her.
What is the age of this person? Do they have any other co morbidities? What are their symptoms? Sorry to hear about your fren. Notice I never said anything about a dumb ass sugar pill.
You’ll note I linked an article pointing out that co-morbidities isn’t particularly predictive of who becomes a long hauler.
You'll note that I mentioned things like Covid toe and covid heart that were sensationalized and then walked back and memory holed. Lots of bad information out there. Johns Hopkins has tended to be a place of good information.
What about Kawasaki disease? That ravaged young kids world wide. It was pretty bad.
When my daughter had a bad fever and we brought her in to Seattle Children's, they mentioned Kawasaki disease. And they freaked us out, for no fucking reason.
The story about kids and this mysterious covid illness reminded me of that. And I'm glad you brought that up:
A 2015 study carried out at a children’s hospital in Singapore found that more than half of patients admitted with a Kawasaki disease diagnosis “did not have KD.”
Of the patients admitted with the initial diagnosis of KD, 59.2% did not have KD. 44.3% and 29.1% of KD diagnoses were missed at first visit and during reattendences respectively.
The trouble with diagnosing Kawasaki disease is it’s merely a set of symptoms. Medical journal Immunity noted in October of last year that the disease has an unknown etiology. In other words, no known cause.
KD was all the rage with the media for a couple of weeks a year ago. The thinking was if they could tie this thing to killing kids, it was really game over. 100% full blown panic. Up to that point they simply had a disease that mostly affected the geriatric population and people were asking why was society being shut down for young people who aren’t affected in any way that’s different from normal? So KD was hoped to be their silver bullet. Fortunately it was even too much of a stretch for the approved doctors who were authorized to speak on Covid-19®️, so it died a pretty quick death. Much to the dismay of the tug Coronabros.
If you gave half of those people a placebo pill their symptoms would magically disappear.
Same with cancer. As long as you don't know anyone with cancer, it's a totally made up disease.
Analogies are not your strong suit.
I know a Covid long hauler. I’m sure she’ll be grateful to learn that one sugar pill will cure her.
What is the age of this person? Do they have any other co morbidities? What are their symptoms? Sorry to hear about your fren. Notice I never said anything about a dumb ass sugar pill.
You’ll note I linked an article pointing out that co-morbidities isn’t particularly predictive of who becomes a long hauler.
I'm sure every other 27 year old runner in this country is shitting their pants at this knowledge.
If you gave half of those people a placebo pill their symptoms would magically disappear.
Same with cancer. As long as you don't know anyone with cancer, it's a totally made up disease.
Analogies are not your strong suit.
I know a Covid long hauler. I’m sure she’ll be grateful to learn that one sugar pill will cure her.
What is the age of this person? Do they have any other co morbidities? What are their symptoms? Sorry to hear about your fren. Notice I never said anything about a dumb ass sugar pill.
You’ll note I linked an article pointing out that co-morbidities isn’t particularly predictive of who becomes a long hauler.
I'm sure every other 27 year old runner in this country is shitting their pants at this knowledge.
That would be pretty stupid. But look who I'm telling about stupid.
If you gave half of those people a placebo pill their symptoms would magically disappear.
Same with cancer. As long as you don't know anyone with cancer, it's a totally made up disease.
Analogies are not your strong suit.
I know a Covid long hauler. I’m sure she’ll be grateful to learn that one sugar pill will cure her.
What is the age of this person? Do they have any other co morbidities? What are their symptoms? Sorry to hear about your fren. Notice I never said anything about a dumb ass sugar pill.
You’ll note I linked an article pointing out that co-morbidities isn’t particularly predictive of who becomes a long hauler.
I'm sure every other 27 year old runner in this country is shitting their pants at this knowledge.
That would be pretty stupid. But look who I'm telling about stupid.
I'm just trying to live up to your legacy from these past 14+ months of predictions.
If you gave half of those people a placebo pill their symptoms would magically disappear.
Same with cancer. As long as you don't know anyone with cancer, it's a totally made up disease.
Analogies are not your strong suit.
I know a Covid long hauler. I’m sure she’ll be grateful to learn that one sugar pill will cure her.
What is the age of this person? Do they have any other co morbidities? What are their symptoms? Sorry to hear about your fren. Notice I never said anything about a dumb ass sugar pill.
You’ll note I linked an article pointing out that co-morbidities isn’t particularly predictive of who becomes a long hauler.
Truly sad to hear that She is going through this. What kind of therapies was she prescribed to try to combat it?
It's a wonder you never made Detective.