Time to attack Charles Fischer again . . . A guy who works as a full-time professional and runs Fishduck in his spare time with “volunteer “ writers/contributors.
Time to attack Charles Fischer again . . . A guy who works as a full-time professional and runs Fishduck in his spare time with “volunteer “ writers/contributors.
Time to attack Charles Fischer again . . . A guy who works as a full-time professional and runs Fishduck in his spare time with “volunteer “ writers/contributors.
Triumph the Insult dog is far more entertaining and intelligent than you, DB Cooper wannabe.
Just dishing back what you serve . . .
You certainly dish it out, but don’t seem to like it when you are treated with the same disrespect and insults,.
I love the old geek Doog who jumped on your back and tried to choke you after the 1992 game at Autzen.
Save the heroics when you’re at your home stadium.
Both sides have their experiences and “stories”.
Damn it . . . I’m not letting go of my hate.
You lack self awareness. Among other things. I didn’t realize you were as retarded as DJDuck. But here we are.