She Cheated an election and is now submitting to be Selected Governor of Arizona. She sounds terrified, LOL
Opinion: I’m leading the fight for voting rights in Arizona. We need the Senate to step up, now.
Opinion by Katie Hobbs
June 14, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. PDT
Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, is Arizona’s secretary of state. She is running for governor in 2022.
PHOENIX — Democracy is under siege in Arizona. As part of the “big lie” that Republicans have been pushing about electoral fraud, they’re conducting an “audit” in our largest county, Maricopa, to dig up nonexistent evidence. It’s an absurd spectacle. The proliferation of conspiracy theories is staggering: ballots are being disqualified because of Sharpies; ballots were shipped in from China; ballots were burned in a chicken-farm fire.
My office won a court order to send impartial observers to the audit, and I try to keep the public informed about its dangers. For insisting on straightforward truths, I and my family have received death threats. Armed protesters have shown up at my home. Twice, I’ve been assigned a security detail to protect me.
But I’m sure you think she’s lying.
Here’s one direct quote, “My office won a court order to send impartial observers to the audit”.
Well first off, you were invited to the audit yourself, you chose not to go and you didn’t have to win anything in court to get the invite. Secondly, the “observers” you sent were top-level national activists, they were hardly impartial.
Has he fired them yet?
You're fucked.
Otherwise, fuck the fuck off with your Ostrich Boy whataboutism bullshit.
Not the point of what the poster was showing, but no way Biden won Georgia.