Rich, coming from the same terrorists that employed actor and CIA Agent Osama bin Laden, aka Tim Osman, to hijack flights that didn't exist on 911. These same terrorists and their MSM collaborators used CGI, fake jets, to disguise the explosions from the bombs they planted. Then they fired a missile, paid for by US taxpayers, at the Pentagon. The same terrorists also deployed the 5g Kill Grid and are running the Convid 1984 Operation.
There is no death miserable enough for what they deserve to get.
How you can tell Trump is a piece of shit, besides the fact that he is on Big Pharma payroll and a Vax Pusher - he didn't expose 911
There is no death miserable enough for what they deserve to get.
How you can tell Trump is a piece of shit, besides the fact that he is on Big Pharma payroll and a Vax Pusher - he didn't expose 911