WHen you step back and take a look at this whole thing, one undeniable fact is very obvious: Even though the majority hate what the homeless policies of far left rats have done to their once beautiful state, even though there is a serious recall effort against the Governor who at one point was a shoe in for the party nomination for President, the far left is not budging. This mess could have been taken care of right after it started. They simply refuse to act.
They don't care how ugly the streets get. It is all about their politics and hopefully everyone understands that.
What are some serious ideas about helping the homeless problem? I don’t knownif the following is true but I've heard 1/3 of homeless don't want to be there and can be helped, another 3rd have serious mental health issues and the other 3rd are strung out on drugs. Do we need to open mental institutions for the sick? Do we need to open camps for those who want to work and get back on their feet but strictly enforce no drug policies? I see the problem getting worse and I would like to help but don't really know how.
What are some serious ideas about helping the homeless problem? I don’t knownif the following is true but I've heard 1/3 of homeless don't want to be there and can be helped, another 3rd have serious mental health issues and the other 3rd are strung out on drugs. Do we need to open mental institutions for the sick? Do we need to open camps for those who want to work and get back on their feet but strictly enforce no drug policies? I see the problem getting worse and I would like to help but don't really know how.
Pretty basic - you nailed it.
And if there was a place for segregation, it's the homeless. You can't throw a mentally ill person into a shelter with drug addicts. You can't throw a domestic violence/unemployed person in with mentally ill people. Except that's how it ends up at a large number of no-barrier shelters that are funded by municipalities.
As a society, we have to seriously reconsider the mental institution model. Not the One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest/Frontal Lobotomy approach but actual facilities where the mentally ill can be housed. After proper evaluation, consent from family members, etc., the severely mentally ill need to be put away for the protection of themselves and others.
For the drug addicted, go to the source - big pharma and physicians. Prosecute the fuck out of them and they'll quit giving out oxy like it's candy. And maybe show some cajones against the Chinese and drug cartels who are flooding the country with synthetics.
If you get those two segments isolated, the third can have a path to finding their way back out of temporary homelessness. There's tons of programs out there to help. But if that segment is at-risk to fall into one of the other two, those programs are less effective. Unemployed guy is but a couple of bad trips away from being drug addict guy.
I heard it’s systemic racism. If enough school districts can get rid of advanced math classes, and shame all the lower middle class white kids for their responsibility for things they didn’t do, we’ve achieved social justice. Getting rid of jails and not prosecuting theft is the next step. I imagine there will be zero homelessness if we can do that.
What are some serious ideas about helping the homeless problem? I don’t knownif the following is true but I've heard 1/3 of homeless don't want to be there and can be helped, another 3rd have serious mental health issues and the other 3rd are strung out on drugs. Do we need to open mental institutions for the sick? Do we need to open camps for those who want to work and get back on their feet but strictly enforce no drug policies? I see the problem getting worse and I would like to help but don't really know how.
Pretty basic - you nailed it.
And if there was a place for segregation, it's the homeless. You can't throw a mentally ill person into a shelter with drug addicts. You can't throw a domestic violence/unemployed person in with mentally ill people. Except that's how it ends up at a large number of no-barrier shelters that are funded by municipalities.
As a society, we have to seriously reconsider the mental institution model. Not the One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest/Frontal Lobotomy approach but actual facilities where the mentally ill can be housed. After proper evaluation, consent from family members, etc., the severely mentally ill need to be put away for the protection of themselves and others.
For the drug addicted, go to the source - big pharma and physicians. Prosecute the fuck out of them and they'll quit giving out oxy like it's candy. And maybe show some cajones against the Chinese and drug cartels who are flooding the country with synthetics.
If you get those two segments isolated, the third can have a path to finding their way back out of temporary homelessness. There's tons of programs out there to help. But if that segment is at-risk to fall into one of the other two, those programs are less effective. Unemployed guy is but a couple of bad trips away from being drug addict guy.
Heroin, meth and most fentanyl are not being prescribed. Prescription oxy is pretty hard to get today and prescriptions are of much smaller quantities and tougher to refill. You would need to lock up the addicts somewhere. The problem is that unless you ran the camps like Sheriff Joe did in Arizona, the cost gets really high. Put them in tents, with limited visiting access and limited legal appeal rights. (Just make them have to follow the same appeal rights that regular citizens have to follow. No appeal written in Spanish on a napkin and the cost of the appeal filing required.)
What are some serious ideas about helping the homeless problem? I don’t knownif the following is true but I've heard 1/3 of homeless don't want to be there and can be helped, another 3rd have serious mental health issues and the other 3rd are strung out on drugs. Do we need to open mental institutions for the sick? Do we need to open camps for those who want to work and get back on their feet but strictly enforce no drug policies? I see the problem getting worse and I would like to help but don't really know how.
Arrest and jail those who commit crimes and put them in forced rehabilitation. That is half of why the homeless populations have exploded. Also, decriminalizing and not enforcing anti-drug laws has led to a rise in opioid use.
They don't care how ugly the streets get. It is all about their politics and hopefully everyone understands that.
And if there was a place for segregation, it's the homeless. You can't throw a mentally ill person into a shelter with drug addicts. You can't throw a domestic violence/unemployed person in with mentally ill people. Except that's how it ends up at a large number of no-barrier shelters that are funded by municipalities.
As a society, we have to seriously reconsider the mental institution model. Not the One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest/Frontal Lobotomy approach but actual facilities where the mentally ill can be housed. After proper evaluation, consent from family members, etc., the severely mentally ill need to be put away for the protection of themselves and others.
For the drug addicted, go to the source - big pharma and physicians. Prosecute the fuck out of them and they'll quit giving out oxy like it's candy. And maybe show some cajones against the Chinese and drug cartels who are flooding the country with synthetics.
If you get those two segments isolated, the third can have a path to finding their way back out of temporary homelessness. There's tons of programs out there to help. But if that segment is at-risk to fall into one of the other two, those programs are less effective. Unemployed guy is but a couple of bad trips away from being drug addict guy.
Nothing we can do
To, oh, oh, the summer nights