Andy Ngo actually does investigative journalism. Does that make him a fascist, Kunt?
One reason I don’t really give a shit when you guys cry about how unfair the mainstream media is, is your choice to elevate and trust people like Ngo.
Your problem with the media isn’t that they lie, it’s that they don’t tell your lies. Ngo does so you love him.
Hmm . . . The videos that he posts lie? . . Why does Antifa attack unapproved people from live-streaming at their events. Why do they have their own pre-approved “Press” who often get involved in the live action events?
How come the local news media are visibly absent from these anti-fascist events?
Andy probably shouldn't go into those situations without security around him. Antifa, on the other hand, has a pretty well documented history of violence and ironically fascist actions. I have no idea why you're so hyper vigilant about anyone with the temerity to report on this group. Seems kinda hypocritical of you. I guess you'd prefer all of us saying they're just an idea?
Your problem with the media isn’t that they lie, it’s that they don’t tell your lies. Ngo does so you love him.
How come the local news media are visibly absent from these anti-fascist events?
What does Andy Ngo lie about?
You mean Asians?
You mean somebody whose parents fled the Communist regime in Vietnam for freedom/liberty and a chance for a better future?
Ever hear of the Berlin Wall (Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart/Antifaschistoscher Schitzwall) or the Iron Curtain?
Now why would those Communists build walls to keep their citizens from leaving and shoot those who tried to escape?
Why were people willing to risk their lives to flee their socialist utopia for the evil capitalism of West Germany?
Know anything about the Stasi?
Have you ever studied history?
They do plenty of violent, destructive things unprovoked
1. There is no such thing.
2. Antifa is rife with lying propagandists.
3. Who is “Respectable Lawyer”? Name, etc.?
Andy Ngo uses his real name . . . Something to think about.