Rats are happy about our open border. Never mind the drugs, the violent cartels, child trafficking, sex trafficking, violent gang leaders and terrorists from other countries , children losing their lives, over a hundred countries coming across the border as illegal aliens. Rats seem to revel in the filth, it seems like it enhances their pleasure in ruining this country.
Well, they might want to re-think their bullshit America killing strategy. As I have said before, I have spent extensive time on business in MX, Central and South America and they don't resemble lazy, America hating liberals. As a matter of fact, it is for the most part just the opposite when it comes to the average citizen. They are religious, self reliant and you don't see them calling everyone a racist when they lose an argument due to their lack of facts. In addition I don't think I ever saw or heard of a group of Latino's talking to trees and crying because the trees are in pain, or seeing their children hate themselves because of what their Mayans ancestors did 1400 years ago. No myriad of fake hate crimes either.
Things are not so rosy in TX where there are some rat strongholds they were counting on the Latino population to fortify for decades to come.
If you want to see the border close up immediately, just wait until the heartless bastards on the left figure out the Latino vote could hurt them. The fucking border fence will be up in an hour.
https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/06/gop-sweeps-in-texas-races-signal-growing-hispanic-support-for-the-party/GOP Sweeps in Texas Races Signal Growing Hispanic Support for the Party
Left doesn’t have 50 years of history keeping them down in the projects and reliant on welfare.