Time for CNN to help their base with more shit to be irrationally afraid of now that COVID is dying down...
“As a general rule, we tell patients, ‘If you can see where you are walking without the use of a flashlight, there is enough light to require the use of sunscreen,’”
Seriously, man. WHAT. THE. FUCK.
“UVA rays penetrate through glass, so if your room has a window, it is important to wear sunscreen even when inside,” says New York-based dermatologist Dr. Hadley King. “UVA rays are generally linked to the aging of skin cells and tend to be the cause of wrinkles, sunspots and other signs of sun damage. UVB rays, on the other hand, are the principal cause of sunburns, directly damage DNA in skin cells and are linked to most skin cancers. The glass typically used in car, home and office windows is designed to block most UVB rays, but it does not offer protection from all UVA rays. So even if you’re indoors, if you’re close to a window, you are still at risk of exposure to UVA rays and possible sun damage.”