$81 billion to the teacher unions. Another high character policy decision by the dems because they care about the children.
https://www.joannejacobs.com/2021/05/schools-arent-funding-tutors-more-learning-time/Schools aren’t funding tutors, learning timeMAY 25, 2021 BY JOANNE 3 COMMENTS
School districts are getting $81 billion from the federal American Rescue Plan: 20 percent is supposed to be spent to help students catch up academically. But most spending plans aren’t focused on learning recovery, writes Linda Jacobson on The 74.
Instead, they are largely using the money to fill budget gaps, hire staff and issue “thank you” bonuses to teachers, Marguerite Roza, director of Georgetown University’s Edunomics Lab, said during a Tuesday webinar.
“That surprised us because tutoring is sort of the darling … for how to spend federal funds,” Roza said Tuesday, referring to multiple studies in recent months about the effectiveness of “high-dosage” tutoring programs.
Chad Aldeman, policy director at Edunomics Lab, sees “little evidence so far of efforts to focus on the needs of the most vulnerable students,” Jacobson writes.
Some people really care about the children. I mean realllllyyyy care.