Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economy. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
On this issue, Biden isn't as stupid as others on the left.
"By the way, government subsidies have impacted upon rising tuition costs. It's a conundrum here," Biden said to a student who asked about the government's intervention in the free market system.
Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economyhistory majors and kids who fucked off partying for 6 years. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economyhistory women studies majors and kids who fucked off partying for 6 years. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
I was a history major, back when they still taught history at Oregon. Strong minor in accountancy though.
Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economy. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
Fuck off, loser. Being disappointed that the government isn’t going to pay off everyone’s student loan debt shows what a freeloading piece of shit you are. It’s an absolutely ludicrous idea supported by myopic dipshits.
The fracture on the Left is much deeper than the GOP retards versus libertarian genius. It goes to show you that not all leftists are Biden bootlicking motherfuckers
Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economy. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
Hurts upper middle class losers who majored in horse riding at Sweet Briar and want someone to pay them because they have no job or life skills. Sad!
Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economy. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
The fracture on the Left is much deeper than the GOP retards versus libertarian genius. It goes to show you that not all leftists are Biden bootlicking motherfuckers
Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economy. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
Fuck off. If you didn’t want to pay back the money you took, you shouldn’t have taken it. Now you’re just stealing like a common criminal.
Yeah, that’s disappointing. Hurts real people and the economy. Hopefully people like AOC have done enough to make the distinction between the liberals and the left so long term this benefits us.
Pay your debts bitch. You borrow the money you pay it back! Simple just like the loan doc's you signed say.
@MelloDawg @BearsWiin @allpurpleallgold
Cut that figure to $200 million and see where the cockroaches run.
My bet is SF, Seattle and Portland.
Funny how that works.