Seems like a massive racial reparation project. Of course, this seems like a high character issue for leftards because of feelz. Like most welfare programs, it will be shoddily run and billions will got to grifters, just like the hundreds of billions stolen from the Covid stimulus programs. FUELS RACIAL DIVISIONS WITH BLACKS-ONLY DEBT RELIEF FOR FARMERS
The dishing out of benefits based on skin color is becoming a huge issue in America. A practice that once seemed mostly confined to admission to college now extends as far as access to interviews with the mayor of Chicago.
And, most significantly, it extends to the receipt of dollars from the federal government.
Blacks say they are tired of being taken for granted by Democrat politicians. So Democrats are determined to reward them with lucre. Key Dems may also have internalized the noxious teachings of critical race theory.
Pandemic relief provides the occasion for the current round of doling out dollars to Blacks. But one senses that any excuse will do.
The New York Times has just run a story about one group of Blacks now benefiting from government largesse — farmers. The piece centers around a farmer in Missouri named Shane Lewis. He stands to have a $200,000 debt written off, pursuant to a $4 billion federal program, because he is Black.
The Times doesn’t put it this way. It says the debt relief program was “created by Democrats to help farmers who have endured generations of racial discrimination.”
But the Times’ story refutes this claim. The farmer in question began farming ten years ago. There is nothing in the story that suggests his family farmed — all indications are to the contrary — and thus no basis for concluding that he suffered from generations of discrimination against black farmers. Nor does Biden’s program appear to require evidence of that.
And forever
Of course I intended it primarily as a satire on the Russian revolution. … I meant the moral to be that revolutions only effect a radical improvement when the masses are alert and know how to chuck out their leaders as soon as the latter have done their job. The turning-point of the story was supposed to be when the pigs kept the milk and apples for themselves (Kronstadt). If the other animals had had the sense to put their foot down then, it would have been all right. If people think I am defending the status quo, that is, I think, because they have grown pessimistic and assume that there is no alternative except dictatorship or laissez-faire capitalism.
Hope this helps