Sure, when he exposes you for the fucking lying hack you are. Fauci who is both a liar and political hack knows when to stop pushing a line of bullshit. He is a hack but he isn't stupid. Then there is you Dazzler.
Sure, when he exposes you for the fucking lying hack you are. Fauci who is both a liar and political hack knows when to stop pushing a line of bullshit. He is a hack but he isn't stupid. Then there is you Dazzler.
You read more into his non-definitive statement than is justified. Where's that strict literalism we've all grown to love?
I’m old enough to remember when the coronabros thought that the virus coming from the Wuhan lab was a crazy white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s no surprise the dazzler just dances around with his red ass showing and tossing out logical fallacies.
I’m old enough to remember when the coronabros thought that the virus coming from the Wuhan lab was a crazy white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s no surprise the dazzler just dances around with his red ass showing and tossing out logical fallacies.
I’m old enough to remember when the coronabros thought that the virus coming from the Wuhan lab was a crazy white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s no surprise the dazzler just dances around with his red ass showing and tossing out logical fallacies.
I’m old enough to remember when the coronabros thought that the virus coming from the Wuhan lab was a crazy white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s no surprise the dazzler just dances around with his red ass showing and tossing out logical fallacies.
I’m old enough to remember when the coronabros thought that the virus coming from the Wuhan lab was a crazy white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s no surprise the dazzler just dances around with his red ass showing and tossing out logical fallacies.
I’m old enough to remember when the coronabros thought that the virus coming from the Wuhan lab was a crazy white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s no surprise the dazzler just dances around with his red ass showing and tossing out logical fallacies.
I’m old enough to remember when the coronabros thought that the virus coming from the Wuhan lab was a crazy white supremacist QAnon conspiracy theory. It’s no surprise the dazzler just dances around with his red ass showing and tossing out logical fallacies.
"Messrs. Trump and Pompeo are right to press the question. But until they produce the evidence they’re alluding to, the Wuhan lab theory will remain just that."
Once again, a leftard siding with the chicoms. The chicoms destroyed lab samples, imprisoned/killed those who would have the knowledge, lied about the source being the wet market, lied about it not being transmissible from human to human then had the WHO issue a report exonerating the chicoms without actually having any real investigation. The chicoms are a nuclear power. We going to issue a subpoena to XI and then have him come clean?
If we only collectively thought with a brain instead of grabbing onto political ideology ... perhaps we wouldn’t have wasted a year pointing fingers when the most logical explanation likely was the right one
If we only collectively thought with a brain instead of grabbing onto political ideology ... perhaps we wouldn’t have wasted a year pointing fingers when the most logical explanation likely was the right one
We didn't waste a year doing anything other than get screamed at by the corona bros and their desire to get a retard in the White House
Go back to last year on this site. Some of us, like me, were right from Day 1
I apologize for nothing and I have nothing but disdain and disgust at the Biden Corona Bro Faggots
Going back a year a lot of us were talking about common sense and buying time to get things figured out to take the right path forward
So many of the narratives have never made sense
Both sides of the aisle have shown heavy sides of idiocy
Come on. This isn't a "both sides did it" story. One side questioned the official story that was being pushed by the CCP, the WHO and our Press, and the other side attacked and smeared them for it. Tom Cotton was trashed for suggesting this back in February of last year. Trump was trashed for saying it last April.
Going back a year a lot of us were talking about common sense and buying time to get things figured out to take the right path forward
So many of the narratives have never made sense
Both sides of the aisle have shown heavy sides of idiocy
Come on. This isn't a "both sides did it" story. One side questioned the official story that was being pushed by the CCP, the WHO and our Press, and the other side attacked and smeared them for it. Tom Cotton was trashed for suggesting this back in February of last year. Trump was trashed for saying it last April.
I agree with you on that point
My comment is more that both sides have had their moments with respect to the last year that I don’t see either side necessarily holding the moral high ground
I do think the right in general has had a better perspective than the left ... but it’s far from a pure and clean record
Going back a year a lot of us were talking about common sense and buying time to get things figured out to take the right path forward
So many of the narratives have never made sense
Both sides of the aisle have shown heavy sides of idiocy
Come on. This isn't a "both sides did it" story. One side questioned the official story that was being pushed by the CCP, the WHO and our Press, and the other side attacked and smeared them for it. Tom Cotton was trashed for suggesting this back in February of last year. Trump was trashed for saying it last April.
I agree with you on that point
My comment is more that both sides have had their moments with respect to the last year that I don’t see either side necessarily holding the moral high ground
I do think the right in general has had a better perspective than the left ... but it’s far from a pure and clean record
One side was right, one side was wrong. One side had the intellectual curiosity to at least question what the CCP and WHO had been telling them, the other side said we believe everything they're telling us because Orange man is bad.
Not every story requires a "pox on both their houses" response. There are issues where one side is right and the other side is wrong.
Once again, a leftard siding with the chicoms. The chicoms destroyed lab samples, imprisoned/killed those who would have the knowledge, lied about the source being the wet market, lied about it not being transmissible from human to human then had the WHO issue a report exonerating the chicoms without actually having any real investigation. The chicoms are a nuclear power. We going to issue a subpoena to XI and then have him come clean?
Go back to last year on this site. Some of us, like me, were right from Day 1
I apologize for nothing and I have nothing but disdain and disgust at the Biden Corona Bro Faggots
Going back a year a lot of us were talking about common sense and buying time to get things figured out to take the right path forward
So many of the narratives have never made sense
Both sides of the aisle have shown heavy sides of idiocy
My comment is more that both sides have had their moments with respect to the last year that I don’t see either side necessarily holding the moral high ground
I do think the right in general has had a better perspective than the left ... but it’s far from a pure and clean record
Not every story requires a "pox on both their houses" response. There are issues where one side is right and the other side is wrong.
If original Fow Chee has been executed, will the Nuremberg trial v2.0 convict and hang the Fow Chee clone?