That's because it's not really a problem. The media just picked it up and made it a problem with you. Once they stopped covering it, it stopped being a problem with you.
I’m old enough to remember when the BidenBros here said they were concentration camps. Just like the ones in Germany. Now that they are asylum camps, we don’t have to worry about them.
At some point you'll figure out the media(large,small,left,right) is about satisfying their customer base and making money.
Some capitalists don’t actually like capitalism.
Fox News is making a lot more money than the ChicomNews Network or MSLSD. Seems the larger your audience, the more money you make. Go figure. I have no problem with Fredo Cuomo II getting $5.1 million for his fake book deal with Random House and then selling less than 50,000 copies and only 300 in February. If Random House wants to put $5 million in cash in a pile and then light it on fire, that's their right. But if I were a shareholder I would be pissed as buying off Cuomo is not capitalism.