You are a nutjob. I laid it out for you and you still don’t understand. Are you retarded?
Tim Kaine was talking about Catholic teachings. You said they were worse than Sharia. Again you haven’t brought up one damned teaching of the Catholic Church Blitzkrieg the Bigot. You may be the biggest moron on this board and that is saying something.
I am still waiting for you to come up with a teaching of the Catholic Church that is worse than Sharia you ignorant moron. You’re just a bigot that shoots their mouth off to denigrate the target of their bigotry.
Deej, perhaps take a step back and think about what might be going on here ......
God you can’t make this shit up. If you believe this stupid shit Blitzkrieg the Bigot you are one messed up motherfucker.
Do you understand plain English or do you have some comprehension problems? Let me lay this out more simply because you seem lost.
1) The Catholic Church like other religions have certain tenets that one must believe in. Most of these are spelled out in the Catechism of the Catholic Church which is readily available for anyone to read.
2) Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durbin and others are cafeteria Catholics and only believe what they want to.
3) Tim Kaine compared Catholic Teaching Contained in the tenets & Catechism of the Catholic Church to Sharia
4) You said that these Catholic tenets were even worse
5) I ask you for specific examples contained in the Cathechism and tenets of the Church.
6) You have failed to do that and just copied drivel that has nothing to do with the tenets of the Catholic Church which you are obviously ignorant of.
Get it??