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Biden pressures Israel to cease fire



  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942
    edited May 2021

    Islam is dangerous but the Israel being our greatest alley has always been propaganda bullshit.

    Hard to care about a couple hundred deaths thousands and thousands of miles away. This has been a flare up, but haven’t these groups always been fighting over being the chosen ones for the land?

    You don't seem to realize that the Cho Bai Den wants the Iranians to get nukes and that Israel won't let that happen. More than a few hundred will die in Tehran in what won't be a "flare up".
    Hey bad shit has always happens and that will always continue. People can be evil. Muslims fight back against Israelis. It’s not always political and isn’t new, the media just picks something up and making it a big problem to you.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    edited May 2021
    It seems likely that the current state of Israel is the "Synagogue of Satan" described in the Bible. It was re-founded by the likes of the Rothschilds, after 2 world wars financed by the Rothschilds and provoked by European "Royalty" and Adolf Hitler, whose father was very likely the bastard child of Nathan Rothschild. He went to great lengths to hide his family history and destroy all remnants of its legacy in Austria.

    The Bible describes 'fake Jews." The evil politicians currently running Israel practice Babylonian Talmudism, and don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah. When the anti-christ arrives and the Third Temple is built, and animal sacrifice resumes, it is likely this despot will reign in Jerusalem for a short time, until he is destroyed by the Second Coming. Because the Jews are still awaiting their Messiah, and so they will be deceived, as will be much of the World. They will see this man as a man of peace who does miracles. But he is the son of Satan.

    The evil that currently resides in Israel is self apparent, as Israel is leading the way bringing in the fascism and Nazism of a two tiered society of vaccinated and unvaccinated, as a model for the rest of the world.

    Nevertheless, the restoration of Israel as a state was a fulfillment of prophecy, regardless of whether this was accomplished by evil men, it is all part of a greater blueprint.
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