Been saying that the Left is a secular religion for years now, except I align it closer to a cult with the way they shun and then attack those who dare leave the brainwashing.
Team Soccer Duck's solution to skyrocketing utility bills - Have the Governor write a stiff letter to Oregon utility regulators appointed by dem governors. Distilled down to "Please do some magic to reduce utility electric and natural gas prices." If that isn't true leadership, then I don't know what is. Just ignore dem mandated expensive non-reliable "green" energy, associated transmission costs and dem policies to restrict oil and gas production. A brilliant combination of science and economic illiteracy.
@Pitchfork51 Charlie wasn't bad looking.
She made a raid on Spokane players for a few years. Saw her in a gym once wearing some nice fishnets. WOOD!
Nothing to see. Move along people…
Weekend at Bernie's.
Some new moves for the dementia patient. Elder abuse seems to be running rampant in the dem party and the Church.
Who knew Jussie Smollett had a sister?
Were they also yelling “This is MAGA country!!”” and wearing Hawaiian shirts?
Best tweet I've seen in while!
Been saying that the Left is a secular religion for years now, except I align it closer to a cult with the way they shun and then attack those who dare leave the brainwashing.
Nice party you guys got there
Beat them to the punch in whataboutism.
Governor Hot Wheels is a pretty funny one, IMO.
Pup is rolling in his grave right now.
Pup would put a poundin to that roundin
The serious point is that this isn't who she was before she got elected
i find it offensive that she thinks her voters want a hood rat. It's as stupid as Hillary's fake accent
Hillary is still digging around in her purse for her hot sauce.
Team Soccer Duck's solution to skyrocketing utility bills - Have the Governor write a stiff letter to Oregon utility regulators appointed by dem governors. Distilled down to "Please do some magic to reduce utility electric and natural gas prices." If that isn't true leadership, then I don't know what is. Just ignore dem mandated expensive non-reliable "green" energy, associated transmission costs and dem policies to restrict oil and gas production. A brilliant combination of science and economic illiteracy.