Great send former NJ dem senator and his wife to Guantanamo once she’s convicted in July. They can help translate for ice detainees from Cuba for extra phone privileges, maybe even a snicker bar. Fat little fucker has been trying to get a pardon from Trump, even sleepy Joe said no thanks. Menendez is probably irate at his former Delaware senate buddy. His hideous wife is going to get 11 years too because she’s not as sly as her husband or professional swindler the Big Guy.
The felony and Ice detained criminal illegals will overmax gitmo in no time. There are over 800k illegal Venezuelan's alone.
Great send former NJ dem senator and his wife to Guantanamo once she’s convicted in July. They can help translate for ice detainees from Cuba for extra phone privileges, maybe even a snicker bar. Fat little fucker has been trying to get a pardon from Trump, even sleepy Joe said no thanks. Menendez is probably irate at his former Delaware senate buddy. His hideous wife is going to get 11 years too because she’s not as sly as her husband or professional swindler the Big Guy.