Well, Oregon has turned the education ship around and it is clear sailing to having a state of educated citizens who can read, write and do some arithmetic. God forbid that a one on one assessment of students to discover if they can count to ten, recite the alphabet and write their name is the ultimate sign of systemic white institutional racism. So, a stupid parent feels some sort of implicit bias if their kid has had no exposure to the basics. How are the teachers supposed to construct a program for everyone if they have to cater to the lowest common denominator (mello, that's a math term so don't sweat it)? And the teacher unions and Team Dazzler rage against home schooling.
Our granddaughter recently passed her SAT for kindergarten. Her folks wanted her in this year and she is about a month too young. What it did was focus her parents on in home instruction to prep her for the interview. She passed with flying colors and like her grandpa can read and write before starting school
Our granddaughter recently passed her SAT for kindergarten. Her folks wanted her in this year and she is about a month too young. What it did was focus her parents on in home instruction to prep her for the interview. She passed with flying colors and like her grandpa can read and write before starting school
The systemic racism is real man
I hope she doesn't have to be in Seattle public schools.
Our granddaughter recently passed her SAT for kindergarten. Her folks wanted her in this year and she is about a month too young. What it did was focus her parents on in home instruction to prep her for the interview. She passed with flying colors and like her grandpa can read and write before starting school
The systemic racism is real man
Your granddaughter is headed for private school, guaranteed.
Embezzling misogynist grifter asshole Ibrahim Kendi is beaming with pride.
The systemic racism is real man
Hookers ass