Insofar as the 1A is concerned, how is that any different than lighting a US flag on fire?
Precisely the question the U.S. Supreme Court will debate.
Since Whitey reigns supreme in the U.S., will burning the flag of this racist, oppressive, patriarchal, white supremacist nation constitute a hate crime going forward?
More of that equal justice under the law from the dems, this time Oregon dems. Laundering a cool $500,000.
Dinesh D'Souza got jail time for laundering $20,000. But he deserved it because he is a conservative Indian-American and thus immoral. In this case, Singh a leftard Indian-American is a morally superior leftard individual and hence, like Hillary's money laundering with the Russian hoax Steele Dossier just got a fine.
Remember Al Gore picking up $55,000 at a campaign event at a Buddhist temple from monks and nuns sworn to a vow of poverty? Money was laundered from the chicoms. Dem senators refused to be involved in the subsequent Senate investigation and certainly no criminal charges were made.
Just about ready to declare victory on cleaning up Portland. Police are now issuing non-criminal tickets to the homeless. Pay a $100 they don't have and can't be enforce or call a 1-800 number.
Guy needs an invite!
Extra equal
New York is dead to me
Since Whitey reigns supreme in the U.S., will burning the flag of this racist, oppressive, patriarchal, white supremacist nation constitute a hate crime going forward?
Might be cray cray. Might be real.
I'm seeing a pattern here.
Only @oregonblitzkrieg can confirm or deny.
Dinesh D'Souza got jail time for laundering $20,000. But he deserved it because he is a conservative Indian-American and thus immoral. In this case, Singh a leftard Indian-American is a morally superior leftard individual and hence, like Hillary's money laundering with the Russian hoax Steele Dossier just got a fine.
Remember Al Gore picking up $55,000 at a campaign event at a Buddhist temple from monks and nuns sworn to a vow of poverty? Money was laundered from the chicoms. Dem senators refused to be involved in the subsequent Senate investigation and certainly no criminal charges were made.