Has there been a single second of US MSM coverage related to protests in Europe?
Shit is cray cray over there right now. Granted, the Euros are always protesting something - but this tim it's real.
The corrupt media here actively works to keep Americans in the dark about euro unrest. Unless of course they were protesting Orange Man Bad.
They cheer trump. Here they are running a fake criminal case to try and imprison him. We know first hand how stupid the people are that support the Trumped up charges.
Has there been a single second of US MSM coverage related to protests in Europe?
Shit is cray cray over there right now. Granted, the Euros are always protesting something - but this tim it's real.
The French people can go fuck off. They just re-elected Macron less than a year ago.
When I worked for a big Canadian company, a common refrain was: I like Canadians who speak French, but I don't like French Canadians. Most I worked with thought the Quebec separatists were assholes, too.
Has there been a single second of US MSM coverage related to protests in Europe?
Shit is cray cray over there right now. Granted, the Euros are always protesting something - but this tim it's real.
And spring break.
All good here?
Upon reflection, I agree with the latter, too.