The evergreen leftard solution to crime. Blame the victim and tell them to lock everything up. Just don't take the law into your own hands and if you call 911don't expect any police help.
Too many lies coming out of her mouth to count. Worried about the Joey Money Train running off the tracks. Nice to see liberal hack CW paying attention to Hunter now that the guy he helped get to elected is sitting in the Oval Office.
A rare moment of sanity. If you want to be "prestigious" then that should mean that some degree of prestige accrues to you as a result of receiving a superior education. We will see how long MIT can avoid the woke crowd. If you have a "journalism" degree from anywhere and you don't have some skill in math and science and history, then your degree is not "prestigious". Having an MD used to be prestigious, but the medical profession threw any such pretense away to virtue signal.
In A Humane Move For Unqualified Applicants, MIT Is Reinstating SAT/ACT Requirement
To MIT’s credit, it is not possible to get an MIT degree simply by writing about your feelings or engaging in class discussions about your traumas and victim status.
To MIT’s discredit, they used Covid as an excuse to ditch the requirement for standardized admissions tests.
Removing the SAT/ACT requirement opened the door for unqualified applicants to be admitted, and unsurprisingly, they couldn’t handle the rigorous academic expectations.
So now MIT is having to bring back standardized admissions testing.
We are reinstating our SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles [MIT Admissions – 3/28/2022]
After careful consideration, we have decided to reinstate our SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles. All MIT students, regardless of intended major, must pass two semesters of calculus, plus two semesters of calculus-based physics, as part of our General Institute Requirements.
Admitting students unqualified to handle advanced math is not just an effort in futility, it’s actually cruel to those unqualified students who were admitted.
In other words, there is no path through MIT that does not rest on a rigorous foundation in mathematics, and we need to be sure our students are ready for that as soon as they arrive. MIT is one of the very few remaining universities for which a degree means the graduate is academically accomplished and could not find an easy path to obtain a degree.
As I have previously documented, you can obtain a degree from the “prestigious” University of Texas School of Journalism without having to take a single course in math or science. It is regrettable for those who work to obtain degrees in the hard sciences at schools like Texas, that at the very same time, their universities are behaving like diploma mills for those who can’t even pass freshman science or math.
I’ve no doubt that MIT will ultimately surrender its standards to please the Critical Race Theory agitators, but for now, MIT bringing back standardized tests is a bold and welcome action.
There are apparently 81 million retards in this country.
In A Humane Move For Unqualified Applicants, MIT Is Reinstating SAT/ACT Requirement
To MIT’s credit, it is not possible to get an MIT degree simply by writing about your feelings or engaging in class discussions about your traumas and victim status.
To MIT’s discredit, they used Covid as an excuse to ditch the requirement for standardized admissions tests.
Removing the SAT/ACT requirement opened the door for unqualified applicants to be admitted, and unsurprisingly, they couldn’t handle the rigorous academic expectations.
So now MIT is having to bring back standardized admissions testing.
We are reinstating our SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles [MIT Admissions – 3/28/2022]
After careful consideration, we have decided to reinstate our SAT/ACT requirement for future admissions cycles.
All MIT students, regardless of intended major, must pass two semesters of calculus, plus two semesters of calculus-based physics, as part of our General Institute Requirements.
Admitting students unqualified to handle advanced math is not just an effort in futility, it’s actually cruel to those unqualified students who were admitted.
In other words, there is no path through MIT that does not rest on a rigorous foundation in mathematics, and we need to be sure our students are ready for that as soon as they arrive.
MIT is one of the very few remaining universities for which a degree means the graduate is academically accomplished and could not find an easy path to obtain a degree.
As I have previously documented, you can obtain a degree from the “prestigious” University of Texas School of Journalism without having to take a single course in math or science. It is regrettable for those who work to obtain degrees in the hard sciences at schools like Texas, that at the very same time, their universities are behaving like diploma mills for those who can’t even pass freshman science or math.
I’ve no doubt that MIT will ultimately surrender its standards to please the Critical Race Theory agitators, but for now, MIT bringing back standardized tests is a bold and welcome action.
Case closed is more like it.
“Brainwashing is our job!1!!1”
Well, now where do we go?