Three years from now, Buffalo will have a new stadium and an NFL team. Three years from now, no matter how much money New York leftards spend, New York will still be a sh*t hole. NFL salary cap is $208 million per year. At a 10% income tax rate that raises $21 million on each year and growing plus all the other NFL and stadium revenue. I'd like to see a limit or prohibition on government funding for stadiums but until then, have at it.
Three years from now, Buffalo will have a new stadium and an NFL team. Three years from now, no matter how much money New York leftards spend, New York will still be a sh*t hole. NFL salary cap is $208 million per year. At a 10% income tax rate that raises $21 million on each year and growing plus all the other NFL and stadium revenue. I'd like to see a limit or prohibition on government funding for stadiums but until then, have at it.
That said, the brothers aren’t as down with the gays and trannies as the media wants you to believe. In fact, co-opting the civil rights movement kinda pisses people off.
That said, the brothers aren’t as down with the gays and trannies as the media wants you to believe. In fact, co-opting the civil rights movement kinda pisses people off.
The leftists have successfully pissed off the soccer Karens and the black religious community at the same time.
That's insane. Stop it
Insanity! We need to weed these people out.
Ooga Booga is a nice touch. This young fellah is a good follow.
That said, the brothers aren’t as down with the gays and trannies as the media wants you to believe. In fact, co-opting the civil rights movement kinda pisses people off.
Mid terms 2022 gonna be special.